
No quarantine for holidaymakers caught coronavirus in Greece

Greece is one of the most popular summer travel destinations.

In order to make it easier for holidaymakers to stay in the country, Greece has relaxed the corona regulations even more. Which provisions are now abolished and what else applies to travelers

Although the number of infections in Greece is extremely high with a 7-day incidence of more than 1000, the country has decided to relax further. Holidaymakers who test positive for the corona virus during their stay no longer have to go into quarantine. So far, all vacationers who had been infected with Corona had to isolate themselves for five days. Theoklis Zaoutis, head of the health authority, announced the new provision on state television ERT. “Tourists who have tested positive for the corona virus will not be quarantined,” quotes Merkur Zaoutis.

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Despite a positive test, holidaymakers can continue to move freely in the country and fly by plane, train or take the ferry. However, it is mandatory to wear an FFP2 or KN95 mask. It is also recommended to go into isolation until departure.

However, this provision only applies to holidaymakers. Locals still have to go into a five-day quarantine if they are infected.

Entry into Greece

On May 1, 2022, the obligation to present proof of a test, vaccination or recovery was lifted. Registration on the state website before the start of the trip has been abolished since March. So you can currently enter Greece by land, air and sea without restrictions. There are no longer any entry requirements for travellers. With this easing, the country wants to boost tourism after two years of Corona and make it more attractive for holidaymakers.

The current corona situation in Greece

The number of new corona infections in Greece has risen sharply in recent weeks. As of July 11, 2022, the country recorded 13,306 new cases. The seven-day incidence is currently 1,189.0. So far there have been a total of 3,843,142 confirmed corona infections in Greece and 30,476 people have died from the infection so far. (Source:

The Corona rules in Greece

There are hardly any restrictions on everyday life in the country. The Federal Foreign Office writes on its website: “Since June 1, 2022, mouth and nose protection has only been compulsory for all persons aged four and over in hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities as well as in urban, local public transport, e.g. in city buses or taxis.” Holidaymakers can visit restaurants, cinemas, cafes and taverns without proof.

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