
“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” / Candidate Cem Arslan rapped in front of Angela Merkel

WWM contestant Cem Arslan is an educator and avid rap fan. On Günther Jauch’s advice chair, the music lover revealed how he once rapped in front of Angela Merkel and how a trip to the Sahara almost ended in a drama.

Günther Jauch greeted the audience and his candidates with a broad grin and was looking forward to a “Turkish evening” minutes later. After the Turkish-born bridging candidate Seyda Akin, who took home 16,000 euros after doing the guessing work, the educator, rap coach and Cem Arslan from Hamburg followed on the coveted guessing chair. He not only had an open and hearty gambling attitude, but also one or the other exciting and disturbing anecdote with him.

After the audience joker selected in the “Ene, mene, muh” manner helped him over the 8,000 euro hurdle, the likeable educator and music fan rummaged through his own vacation archive and pulled out a story that probably gave Günter Jauch “big nightmares ” would have prepared.

“Do you always listen to guides, Mr. Jauch?”
Cem Arslan was once traveling as part of a holiday group in the Sahara when he had the idea of ​​taking a “little walk through the desert” – mind you! What followed was an initially exciting tour of discovery, which eventually turned into a horror trip. “Do you always listen to guides, Mr. Jauch?” asked the 30-year-old. Well, in this case it would have helped, because Cem Arslan only found his way back to the holiday camp with a lot of effort and after a few nagging hours of fear.

But the man from Hamburg had even more stories to tell. The educator, who works as a rap coach, has stood in front of astonished celebrities several times with the microphone switched on, to whom he tried to explain “what hip hop is”. Mr. Trittin and Mr. Özdemir, for example, would not have shown so much interest, according to the talkative guessing fox with the ponytail. The former chancellor, on the other hand, was “very curious”.

Light in the cultural darkness

“I rapped in front of Angela Merkel and then explained to her what hip hop is,” revealed the “convinced” Die Linke voter. Shortly thereafter, Günther Jauch and the studio audience were also in the picture: “Hip hop once arose in New York through the combination of break dance, graffiti, DJing and rap,” the candidate brought light into the supposedly cultural darkness.

Günther Jauch felt infected by the open and entertaining nature of his counterpart and for his part revealed one or the other private secret. The viewer found out that the presenter is “quite good” at changing vacuum cleaner bags. Furthermore, Günther Jauch came out as a passionate postal voter and friend of electric shaving.

With so much exciting internals, the rate history took a bit of a backseat. But Cem Arslan didn’t get that far either. Terms such as the moon, cut-off line, gladiator, aviator, fan and terminator shimmered through the TV studio for 32,000 euros. Too much for the educator: “Mr. Jauch, what’s going on?” Not only the candidate asked himself. Unfortunately, a joker was no longer available. In the end, Cem Arslan had to settle for 16,000 euros – money with which the candidate would plan “a trip around the world” in the not too distant future.


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