Cuban tourism is booming as the tobacco and cigar sector’s prospects in Cuba stands out and attracts every year more traveling tourists. The idea based on to promote Cuba cigar tours around emblematic farms and the offer of accommodation in farmhouses where Cuban cigars are being produced as a new variant of agro-tourism.
Cuba cigar tours boost travel to Cuba immensely
Cuba will initiate new tobacco and cigar tours and the year 2012 is marked as the starting point of an ambitious program, which will accelerate the already booming Cuba travel and tourism.
The new design of cigar tours in Cuba includes a reception and information area as a preamble to the itinerary, Otto Medero, marketing manager of the Provincial Delegation of Cuban Tourism told.
The territory in Western Cuba boosts also investments to improve comfort in the main tourist resorts and increase capacity in some places. In Cayo Levisa, island of unspoiled beaches, some 60 new rooms will be build, contnued manager Otto Medero.
Cuba Travel : Diving at black corals and Enjoying Cuban cigars
One of the favorite places of tourists traveling to Cuba is the International Center Maria La Gorda, ideal for contemplative diving due to the presence of black corals and other species, abundant at this point in the peninsula of Guanahacabibes, Biosphere Reserve in Cuba.
Pinar del Rio has received this year more than 194, 000 foreign tourists, what exceeds the 75, 000 visitors over the same period last year. Major markets where tourists come to Cuba from, are Germany, United Kingdom, France, Holland and Italy, followed by Belgium, Norway, and Austria and Turkey as a newcomer.
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