Turkey wants the defenders of Kobane now seem to support it – but on their own terms. Ankara offers to bring Kurdish fighters from northern Iraq in the embattled city.
The Turkish government to change its policy towards the Kurds in Syria: Turkey help the peshmerga from northern Iraq in arriving after Kobane, Mevlut Cavusoglu said Foreign Minister surprising at a press conference.
The peshmerga are the security forces of the Kurdish autonomous region in northern Iraq. They have proven themselves in the fight against “Islamic state” (IS): In summer, the Kurds succeeded to stop the advance of the jihadists. The Peshmerga are supported in their struggle for months by the West, the German Army participates in the training of fighters – to bazookas and field kitchens.
This Recep Tayyip Erdogan had his attitude just made clear once again clear: “Some want a front against the ‘Islamic state’ open, in which they arm the YPG But for us, the YPG same as the PKK – a terrorist group.” said the Turkish leader on Sunday. Therefore Ankara will an upgrade of the Kurdish people’s defense units, just the YPG, never approve.
War In Kobane:USA throwing weapons over Kobane
Just a few hours later showed that the United States ignore the Turkish concerns. US-type aircraft C-130 dropped 27 packets with weapons, ammunition and bandages from over Kobane. The material had provided the government of the Kurdistan autonomous region in northern Iraq. Among others, the U.S. military Kalashnikovs and bazookas to have dropped over the embattled city.
The unauthorized action Washington has now apparently prompted the government in Ankara to a policy correction.
Foreign Minister Cavusoglu stressed that Turkish support of YPG not come into consideration as long as the group fighting to control a certain part of Syria. Therefore, the Foreign
Minister also laid emphasis on the finding that the U.S. Army did not use Turkish airspace for the dropping of weapons for the Kurdish fighters. Given the fact that supplies were thrown away in the border town of only a few meters from the border fence, this claim appears questionable.
Turkey wants now but to face accusations that she let the defenders of Kobane down. The help for the Peshmerga is an attempt to support the anti-IS-coalition without simultaneously strengthening antagonized Ankara YPG. Therefore now to Iraqi Kurds are left after Kobane, Turkish Kurds, however still does not.
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