Wanna throw a Halloween Party ? This places will scare you the most

Most scary places on Earth
Most scary places on Earth, it all starts with a Jack-o Lantern

Ten places that will haunt you forever once visited. This Halloween will be the most scary one for you.

If you want to live the most scary Halloween, go and visit this places. Beware tough ! There might be no return from there !

Most scary places on Earth

1) Edinburgh Castle (Scotland)

Edinburgh Castle in Scotland is haunted by a Lone Piper, a headless drummer and other restless spirits.

Over one million visitors come to see the castle every year. Edinburgh is one of the UK’s most haunted cities. Built high upon a non-active volcano overlooking the city, Edinburgh Castle has a very haunted history.

Edinburgh Castle has a hidden underworld of secret tunnels built beneath it. When these tunnels were first discovered several hundred years ago, a piper was sent to explore. He kept playing so that his progress could be tracked by those above. About half way down the Royal Mile the piping suddenly stopped. When a rescue party was sent, there was no trace of the piper. He had simply vanished.

The lone piper’s ghost still haunts Edinburgh today, walking endlessly along the underground tunnel beneath the Royal Mile. His music can sometimes be heard from within the castle.

Many people have heard the sound of ghostly drums within Edinburgh castle, however few have seen the drummer. The reason for this is that the drummer ghost only appears when the castle is about to be attacked. The ghost drummer was first seen before Cromwell’s attack on the castle in 1650 and is reported to take the form of a headless boy.

Like all good castles, Edinburgh has its dungeons were prisoners were incarcerated, tortured and often perished. Like many castles these dungeons are haunted by the ghosts of their victims. French prisoners from the Seven Years War and colonial prisoners from the American Revolutionary War were imprisoned here. It is said that you can feel haunted presences in the dungeons.

2) Highgate Cemetary (USA)

Here lie 167,000 people buried in Highgate Cemetery. It was opened in 1839 and was the final resting place for members of fashionable Victorian society. By the 1960s, however, it was a neglected and overgrown site. With its cracked open catacombs, there’s no shortage of Satanic activity and unexplained happenings including the mystery of the Highgate vampire during the ’70s.

3) Ohio University (USA)

It is well known and documented that Ohio University is perhaps one of the most haunted places in the world. From ghost teachers that talk to students, sounds and voices heard in sealed rooms, to an entire ghost basketball team, this campus is truly full of haunts. Nearly every single building on campus has at least one ghost associated with it. In a place literally full of ghosts, one manages to stand out among the rest. Wilson Hall is said to be one of the most haunted buildings in the United States, and was featured in the TV series “Scariest Places on Earth”. A female student practicing satanic rituals supposedly died violently in room 428. While this story has no real backing, what is true is that school officials have closed and sealed the room because no student could live in it peacefully. Voices are heard throughout the halls, doors lock and unlock, open and close on their own, and ghostly figures wander the building. The building is also dead center of a pentagram formed by five cemeteries which surround the campus. Rumor has it that this building itself was built on top of an old mental hospital cemetery.

4) Dracula Castle ( Translyvania )

Deep in the Carpathian Mountains, in the heart of rural Romania is Transylvania, where perched atop a rocky peak, there has been a fortress of some kind for nearly 1,000 years and the fortress that stands here today is now known as Dracula’s Castle (the actual Castle Dracula is in ruin on a secluded site near the Arges River). Bran Castle was originally a stronghold built by the Knights of the Teutonic Order in 1212. At that time it was called Dietrichstein. By the late 1200’s the castle had been overtaken by the Saxons who had used the castle to protect Brasov, an important trade center. In 1370 the fortress was used against invading Turks. It remained an important feudal fortress through out the middle ages, its role was the defence against invasion. The castle has four towers, the Powder House Tower is the oldest, it is part of the original castle built in 1212. It houses the Cannon’s Gallery, the Gunner’s Room, and was also where the castles gunpowder was stored. In the 15th century during restoration of the castle the Observation Tower and the Eastern Tower were added. The Eastern Tower was built with murder holes that were used by the soldiers to drop hot water and pitch on the castles attackers. In 1622 the Gate Tower was added and the castle’s south wall was strengthened to 11 ft. thickness to withstand cannon fire. In 1921, Queen Maria of Romania, brought the royal court architect to Bran Castle for extensive renovations which transformed this “fortress” into a Royal Residence. The ancient Gunner’s Room became the Royal Chapel, the defense gallery of the tower was remodeled into apartments for the Queen’s ladies in waiting. A fourth floor was added to the tower for the Queen’s Secretary. Queen Maria had an elevator installed in the fountain which is in the interior court. The elevator descended 197 ft. to a tunnel which opened onto the lovely park grounds in the valley below. Bran Castle has been opened to the public for at least 40 years, a museum, it offers glimpses into the past, such as the Chancellor’s Office, the Council Hall and the Garrison Rooms. Also on display are lovely examples of feudal art, weapons, statuary, furniture and hunting trophies.

5) Mrytel Plantation (USA)

Most haunted home in USA,  we rest our case

6) Alcatraz Prison (USA)

When Alcatraz was open as a prison, it was a scary place. But now, even though the maximum security prison is open for tourism, it is still scary. Maybe because it is so isolated, sitting out there in the middle of the San Francisco bay, Alcatraz, also known as The Rock, has been used as a military fort, a military prison, and a federal prison.But, could some of the former inmates still reside there? For years, visitors and tourist guides have reported hearing screams, cell doors slamming, and footsteps with no logical explanation. In 1976, a night watchman reported hearing clanging sounds from inside a door across from the visiting room. Every time he would open the door, the sounds would stop, but when he shut the door again, the noises started again. Another night watchman reported hearing what sounded like men running a tier above him, but when he investigated the sound, he found nothing. Guides have reported hearing screams from the “dungeon” and voices coming from the hospital ward when no one was there.

7) Amityville (USA)

8 )  Point Hicks Lighthouse (Australia)

The lighthouse is believed to be haunted by the ghost of former Lightkeeper Christofferson.

9) Sleepy Hollow Town (USA)

10) London Tower (GB)

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