Vatican accuses international media of discrediting the pope.

The Vatican yesterday released an article attacking International Media saying that blaming Pope Benedict XVI for the allegations of child abuse committed by priests is a “vile attempt” of the media to discredit, the Vatican and the Pope himself.
“There is a trend that continues in the media of ignoring the facts and make interpretations of there own, in order to spread the image of the Catholic Church as the only entity responsible for sexual abuse, something that does not correspond to reality,” said the article in L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper.
The Vatican also questioned the article, in The New York Times about the case involving Father Lawrence Murphy, accused of abusing more than 200 deaf boys between 1950 and 1970.
Among 25 internal documents of the Church, the Times wrote on its Web site about a 1996 letter on the issue of Murphy being sent to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, which proves that the Pope had been informed of the case at the time.
Ratzinger the future pope in 1998, did not dismiss who molested an alleged 200 disabled children in Wisconsin, which came to daylight after the New York Times obtained internal church documents from lawyers who are suing church officials.
Rev. Lawrence C. Murphy was not dismissed due to his ill health and age and also because the crimes were committed decades before the internal tribunal that took place in 1998.
The article was published the same day that the alleged victims of abuse protested near the St Peter’s Square at the Vatican, demanding that the Pope disclose the secret archives of the Church cases and punish the priests involved.
Yesterday morning, four leaders of the association Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (Snap) carried photos of themselves as children and banners reading “End the secret now.”
The Italian police seized the passports of the protesters and detained them for questioning. They were released after two hours, according to a member of the group, who said “we were in a police station for more then what any catholic priest has stayed in.”
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