US Presidential Election 2016: Everyone is waiting for Hillary Clinton / Breaking News

Hillary Clinton departs St. Ignatius Loyola church following fashion designer de la Renta's memorial service in the Manhattan borough of New York

The midterm elections are passé, the political America discussed the next big thing: the fight for the White House in two years. Even start the first skirmish. In the center is an old acquaintance.

Exactly 730 days before the presidential election in 2016 of Republican Rand Paul has opened the campaign. Early on Wednesday morning – just had his party still won the majority in the Senate – Paul thought ahead and posted already according to this purpose, a series of six black and white photos on his Facebook page.

On each image Hillary Clinton is seen with one of the democratic losers who had previously supported the Senate campaign: in Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky and Arkansas. Including Paul has a hashtag set: “#HILLARYSLOSERS” – Hillarys losers. Message: Wen Hillary Clinton supports who loses. The action was well received in Republican circles, more than 36,000 people clicked on the Like button.

The fight against Barack Obama was yesterday, now it goes against Clinton. Paul’s post is a political watershed. From this Wednesday to discuss the upcoming presidential race America. 2016 is already here. Fittingly, Obama appeared at a press conference on Wednesday strangely melodramatic: “Yet I am the President of the United States,” he stressed several times. Yes, he knew that he now label the “Lame Duck”, the tacking “lame duck”, but he will continue to work every day for the people out there in order to “make a difference”.

But month after month, the music now more and more play elsewhere.

Rand Paul, the market-liberal senator from Kentucky, has long since let hinted that he will seek the nomination of his party. Has not yet officially announced that the 51-year-old course. And Hillary Clinton – Ex-Secretary of State, ex-candidate, ex-First Lady – also heated for several months on speculation. The question no longer seems so long ago, if Clinton a second time after 2008 applying for candidacy, but when she announces this. It has the best poll numbers and the largest financial reserves of any Democrat candidate.

US Presidential Election 2016:”Yet I am the President”

So Paul and Clinton could be future opponents. Since it is important to let the competitors appear tomorrow as early as possible negative. In fact, Clinton has in recent weeks – partly together with husband Bill – massively engaged for Democratic candidates at 45 rallies she has spoken in nearly two dozen states. Such a marathon completed course only someone who has in mind something political.

The Democrats defeat of this week in any case must not hurt their ambitions. For it is recorded as Obama’s defeat. “#Hillarysloser” Tend to be the losers of the President. More, the mess Clinton could even use. These are the reasons:

* It is equally popular with officials and at the base. The unsettled party looking for a new leader.

* Presidential electors are different from midterm voters. The turnout is higher, more young people choose to go, more women, more Latinos, more blacks. That      would help Clinton.

* After the electoral victory of Tuesday, the Republicans control both chambers of Congress, the US system so that they are quasi government party. Clinton may       in future more of   “Washington” delimit their potential presidency would appear less than third Obama-term.

Much will depend on how to beat the Republicans in the next two years: they assume their government responsibility, they contend Obama successfully compromises from? Or they remain in the previous blockade? While Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate Majority Leader-designate, on Wednesday cautiously spoke of possible cooperation with Obama, insisting the Tea Party forces such as the Texas Senator Ted Cruz on a fairly conservative line.

US Presidential Election 2016:”The label ‘Republican’ sucks’

From the outcome of this struggle depends on whether the Republicans in 2016 have real opportunities on the White House: The Americans are a pragmatic people, the political center, purists of the right or left have it hard. The field of possible presidential candidate is split accordingly: On the one side are moderate as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie or Jeb Bush, brother of President number 43 and number 41. Son of Bush against Clinton – that would be the struggle of dynasties.

Rand Paul for his part has not majority support positions such as his foreign policy isolationism weakened in recent months something and at the same time kept distance from the party establishment: “The label ‘Republican’ is shitty,” he testified. Ted Cruz in turn gives the Tea Party rebels, commemorating herzutreiben McConnell and Co. to go. And Marco Rubio, a young senator from Florida, strove only to a bipartisan immigration reform, then came in right bearing under pressure and profiled since then as a foreign policy hawk.

But now they are all waiting on Hillary first.

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