US asks Pak to lift NATO blockade or face aid cut

NATO supplies to Afghanistan pass from Pakistan: File Pic
NATO supplies to Afghanistan pass from Pakistan: File Pic

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has warned Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that the country should lift blockade of NATO supply carried by opposition party workers in restive Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province or face aid cut.

Islamabad, Dec 10/Nationalturk – In a strong worded message, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has warned Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that the country should lift blockade of NATO supply carried by opposition party workers in restive Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province or face aid cut.

Hagel met Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif and new army chief Gen Raheel Sharif in Islamabad yesterday and discussed matters of mutual interest.

“During the meetings, US defence secretary expressed his country’ disappointment over continued blockade of NATO supplies by opposition Pakistan Tehree-e-Insaf (PTI)  workers in country’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, bordering Afghanistan.

‘Difficult for US to maintain political support for aid program’

“If Pakistan government did not resolve protests stalling some military shipments across the border into Afghanistan, it could be difficult for US to maintain political support for an aid programme that has sent billions of dollars to Islamabad,” Pakistan newspaper, Express Tribune quoted defence officials as saying.

Since 2002, Pakistan has received more than $16 billion of security assistance and reimbursements.

NATO supply at Torkham border blocked since November 24

The key NATO supply line at Torkham border has been blocked by PTI workers in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa since November 24 in protest against the CIA-led drone campaign in the tribal areas. US stopped the shipments from Torkham last week due to worries about the safety of the truckers.

“US Defence Secretary was assured by PM Nawaz Sharif that his government would take immediate measures to resolve the shipment problem. He said the situation would improve soon and Pakistan would ensure smooth exit of foreign forces from Afghanistan,” Pakistani officials said.

Pakistan’s state news agency APP stated that Nawaz during his talks with Hagel raised drone issue and stressed that drone strikes were counter-productive to the government’s efforts to combat terrorism and extremism on an enduring basis.

“The two leaders agreed to work together to strengthen Pakistan-US relations and advance the shared interest of a stable, secure and prosperous Pakistan and the region,” said a spokesman of Pakistan Foreign office.

‘Pakistan can lose 1 million US $/day’

According to Pakistan officials, the decision of political parties to choke Nato supply routes could deprive Pakistan of billions of dollars it receives from the United States in financial aid.

“Under the Ground Lines of Communication (GLOC) agreement with the US, Pakistan receives an estimated $1,500-1,800 for every truck that carries supplies for Nato forces through the country, government officials said. The bill amounts to roughly $1 million per day,” they said.

The officials further said besides depriving Pakistan of the direct payment it receives for allowing Nato supplies to pass through its territory, violating the GLOC agreement may also prompt the US to withhold the $1.2 billion Pakistan hopes to receive under the Coalition Support Fund. The amount has already been included in the country’s budget for the current fiscal year.

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Faiz Ahmad / NationalTurk Pakistan News

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