Two days ago he was still president, Viktor Yanukovych is now on the wanted list of the Ukrainian police. The new government wants to put him on trial – because of “mass murder”. He was reportedly sighted in the Crimea.
The Ukrainian transitional government is stepping up its efforts in the search for Viktor Yanukovych. After the ousted president the researchers are police – apparently because of “mass murder”. This was announced by the acting Minister of the Interior arsenic Awakow on Monday on Facebook.
The uprising in Kiev total of 77 people had died in the past week, according to official figures. Government opponents speak of more than 100 fatalities. On Independence Square numerous demonstrators were killed with apparently aimed shots in the head and chest, according to reports. We are looking for next Yanukovych apparently also by other leaders of the violence in Kiev.
On Monday was still unclear where the politicians are staying. Recently it was said that the fugitive had been seen on the Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea . Yanukovych had left an estate in Balaklava in the Crimea on Sunday evening , shared with the Ministry of Interior . He had left in the car to an unknown destination .
According to the current state of Yanukovych failed on Saturday also in the attempt to break away from his hometown of Donetsk from . He tried at the airport of Donetsk, to board a plane to Russia , said Serguii Astakhov , spokesman of the Border Guards . Armed men would have provided money to get a permission to take the private plane . This was rejected by the officials.
A little later, two armored vehicles had rolled to the aircraft, Astakhov reported on. Yanukovych has risen in one of them and have left the airport.
The previous opposition had taken over the weekend after months of protests to power in Kiev and quickly occupied all the important posts . In Kiev now talks are underway , how it goes with the crisis country. Ukraine plague after months of political rebellion significant financial problems – even by a threat of national bankruptcy is talk . The countries , however, has already provided financial assistance amounting to billions in views.
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