The Ukrainian President’s Office announces a solution to the crisis – but neither opposition nor EU confirm this is now talk of new talks meanwhile police return fire at protesters shooting at officers near Kiev’s Independence Square.
Is there a compromise in the Ukrainian power struggle? According to the President’s yes. It was announced on Friday morning that President Viktor Yanukovych had agreed with the opposition on a solution. But there is a confirmation for it not – neither by the government nor opponents of the EU involved in the negotiations.
The European delegations in Kiev announced further talks. The spokesman for the Polish Foreign Ministry, Marcin Wojciechowski, said on Friday afternoon was a further meeting planned.
The Office of the President had declared that all sides had agreed to, at this time to initial an agreement on resolving the crisis (You can track the developments in Ukraine in the live ticker).
Ukraine Crisis:Not yet “final”

Earlier, the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius had warned against excessive optimism. The agreement between the government and opposition had not yet “final,” he told the French radio station Europe 1 “Until the late morning we can say nothing definite,” he added. In particular, the opposition would once again advise. That was “completely understandable.” During the negotiations, it was agreed not to announce publicly until “everything is signed and sealed.”
Was reported also from the German delegation circles in Kiev, that there will be further negotiations at noon. There was no final agreement.
According to the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk just a draft for an agreement was reached, but no final agreement. Tusk urged caution. The crisis in the neighboring country was not yet finished, he told reporters in Warsaw. The consent of his opponents is still pending.
According to media reports, the compromise should include the following points:
– The solution provides for the return to the 2004 constitution within 48 hours. This limits the powers of the President.
– In addition, a coalition government to be formed within ten days.
– Elections to be held later this year.

Currently, the Parliament shall meet in order to bring the constitutional amendments on the way, limiting the powers of the President. In the tense atmosphere arose between the parliamentarians to brawls.
According to the MOI Unknown fired at police. It also give attempts to penetrate to the Parliament, Ministry spokesman Sergei Burlakov told the Interfax news agency.
Prime Minister David Cameron spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin on the phone, where they all expressed the “utmost concern” over the violence, said the Kremlin.
The protests started last November over Mr Yanukovych’s decision to have closer ties with Russia rather than Europe.
Moscow then promised to provide a $15bn bailout and to slash prices that Kiev pays for energy supplies. The first $3bn tranche of that aid was paid at the end of January and Russia has promised to release the second instalment this week.
The fresh violence came after Mr Yanukovych announced a truce with the opposition after violent clashes with riot police killed at least 26 people on Wednesday.
Russia has warned Ukraine’s President not to let opponents walk over him “like a doormat”, in a strong signal that Moscow wants order on the streets before handing over extra cash to stave off bankruptcy.
In Thursday’s clashes, a doctor working with the activists claimed many were killed after police fired live rounds near Independence Square in the capital.
The interior ministry said protesters had taken 67 police officers hostage. Many have now been released.
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