Ukraine Crisis: Kiev Russian troops has invided East Ukraine / Breaking News


According to Ukrainian Security Nowoasowsk the city has fallen into the hands of Russian troops, President Poroshenko speaks of an invasion. The separatists confirm the use of Russian soldiers.

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has accused Russia of a military invasion of his country. Because of the “Russian invasion” he has canceled a state visit to Turkey. “The place of the President today in Kiev”, Poroshenko said the situation in the Donetsk area had “extremely aggravated”.

The pro-Western leader called special meetings of the Security Council and the EU Council. “The world needs to express itself on the sharp deterioration of the situation in Ukraine,” he said. Poroshenko convened the Security of the country for consultations.
A member of the advisory committee on human rights issues with Russian President Vladimir Putin says they think Russia’s actions in the Ukraine for an invasion.

A reporter for the Reuters news agency reported a column of armored vehicles in the vicinity of a Russian village is located about three kilometers from the border with Ukraine. In troop carriers therefore sit people with dirty faces, one with a facial injury. A truck was damaged and will be towed. The occupants and the vehicles had no military markings. License plates had been removed.

The Ukrainian military said earlier, to have control over a border region in the southeast largely lost. Responsible units were from the neighboring country. “Yesterday went Nowoasowsk the city and a number of villages in the districts Nowoasowsk, Starobeschewo and Amwrosijewka under the control of Russian military,” the National Security Council said in Kiev.

Previously, the separatist leader Alexander Sachartschenko had admitted during an appearance on Russian television that Russian soldiers fighting in the ranks of the rebels: “. Among us are fighting soldiers, their holidays rather spend with us than at the beach” The supporters from Russia had allegedly leave of absence to support “their brothers” in the struggle for freedom. “We have never made a secret of the fact that there are many Russians among us, without whom we would have very difficult.”

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According Sachartschenko about 3,000 to 4,000 Russian soldiers who fought on the side of the rebels. However, that was done voluntarily, without instructions from Moscow. “Many have gone home. Much more have remained.”

Unfortunately, there have also been killed, says Sachartschenko. Media in Moscow had recently reported about secret burials, which allegedly fallen Russian soldiers were buried. The reports are now expressed for the first time the Kremlin. “This requires a detailed examination before any conclusions are drawn,” said spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Ella Polyakova from the Russian Union of Soldiers’ Mothers spoke of about a hundred Russian soldiers who had been taken to a hospital in St. Petersburg. Where and how the men were wounded, was unknown, Polyakova, which belongs to the Kremlin Human Rights said.

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So far, the government in Moscow had a commitment in Ukraine always denied. As this week ten Russian paratroopers were captured on Ukrainian territory, there was talk in Moscow of “a mistake”.

The government in Kiev and the State Department before throwing Russia to support the separatists in the east of the country. In the area around the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk was a Russian counter-offensive in the corridor, said the spokeswoman of the State Department, Jen Psaki.

French President François Hollande expressed concern over the reports. If the information is correct and reside Russian soldiers on Ukrainian soil, this would be “intolerable and unacceptable.” Russia can not expect to be a recognized power of the 21st century if it does not respect the rules.

Previously, Russia had warned NATO to step up its forces near the Russian border. Such a move would only complicate relations with the government in Moscow, the Russian ambassador to NATO Alexander Gruschko said the agency Interfax. The establishment and the activities of NATO troops on the border with Russia would be taken into account in the Russian military planning.

“We will do whatever is necessary to ensure a reliable safety and to ensure protection against any threat,” Gruschko said. At the NATO summit on Thursday and Friday of next week to discuss long-term strategies.

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