UK Internet users get a pre-filter for the Internet porn. Who wants to deal with him, must explicitly specify. Now declared a civil rights organization, citing provider: The filter is to filter out not only pornographic.
Internet pornography is a threat to a sheltered childhood and is therefore disabled by default – with this attitude splits British Prime Minister David Cameron, the British public. A filter regime is designed to protect surfers future of sex on the net. From 2014, other on-line content in the UK next porn but now apparently be filtered out by default. The civil revealed.
What Cameron plan that claims to have found the civil rights organization Open Rights Group (ORG) is not much less than a voluntary censorship tool for a wide range of content.
ORG will have found out by the British providers, in addition to pornography and sites with gewalthaltigem, extremist or terrorist content sites to eating disorders to suicide, alcohol, smoking, “esoteric material” and software that helps in circumventing web-blocking, blocked should be – when a new internet customer does not change the default settings. ORG presented to a fictional selection window in which all of the above thematic areas are marked as default filter out.
UK Sex Network:”Sleepwalking into censorship”
“It is clear that PM David Cameron wants to lead the people sleepwalking into censorship,” writes ORG-Chief Jim Killock in a much-publicized blog entry. Because people often be content to take with default settings, would the new scheme, a new social standard established: Filtering is good or at least harmless. The disadvantages of such a method, ORG points out, are greater than the benefits. Such filters affected the social discourse and reduced long-term degrees of freedom.
In a speech last Monday was Prime Minister David Cameron – in addition to restrictions on search engines and blocking lists announced the Web site filtering from the service provider to activate by default for all UK internet customers by the end of the year: “When commissioning a new broadband connection automatically family-friendly filter rules are pre-selected; who [during installation] just keep clicking to activate the filter. “This is an important step to protect “the innocence of children” and “eradicate subversive influence of online pornography on the childhood”.
UK Internet Cencorship:”Moral obligation”
The implementation of this filter is voluntary, UK PM David Cameron noted a “moral duty” of Internet companies. But should oppose the demands of the government, new laws were written. And technical obstacles should preclude the implementation of such filters, the company would have to submit their “best minds” with the solution or instruct hacker competitions organized to come up with new ideas. It eventually go to children.
In Cameron’s announcement and ORGs revelations followed by an interesting discussion. Marked as “Guardian” commentator Deborah Orr filter the criticism as “howling libertarian outrage”. Charles Arthur from the same leaf complained, however, that Cameron child pornography and pornography in a legal process Stir – and will therefore encounter problems with the legitimate per se barrier.
Other media highlighted the inconsistencies, technical and logical problems, the filter needs, such as the “Inquirer” who ruled after reviewing a Cameron interviews to the BBC about the Premier: “Clueless”. The BBC again revealed that the infrastructure of the filter in question – for alleged cyber backdoors discredited – Chinese company Huawei was controlled.
Constanze Kurz by the Chaos Computer Club throws in the arts section of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” to another interesting question: Are we in the question of what kind of power we will live in the future, really to “limit the partisanship between paternalistic States and profit-oriented, opportunistic Internet companies “leave – as is now done in the UK? “Neither governments allowed Internet companies are not sufficiently trusted instances, in order to determine what we read on the net, see, write.”: It need a third way, argues Short
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