Two men rape 19-year-olds in Hanover
A 19-year-old is being followed by two men in Eilenriede. Then the two attack. Now the police are looking for witnesses - especially a couple with a dog.

In the Eilenriede in Hanover, two men are said to have raped a 19-year-old. The incident happened on Sunday, police said on Wednesday.
According to officers, around 7:30 p.m., the woman noticed that she was being followed by two men. One of the men finally held her near a miniature golf course while the other raped her.
The 19-year-old defended herself with punches and kicks, after which the men let her go, the police said. The woman was able to flee into the forest, but fell into a kind of ditch. From there she called the police. Officials found the slightly injured woman in the ditch shortly thereafter.
A search for the attackers in the vicinity was unsuccessful. The woman described one of the men as around 40 years old and 1.70 meters to 1.85 meters tall and slim. At the time of the crime, the man was wearing blue jeans and light-colored sneakers. He’s also bald.
Police are looking for a couple with a dog
His accomplice is also described as around 40 years old and 1.70 to 1.85 meters tall. He was of strong build, had short dark hair and was wearing a three-day beard at the time of the crime. He was wearing black sweatpants and a dark quilted jacket. According to the woman, both men spoke with an Eastern European accent.
The police are looking for witnesses who saw the woman, the two men or the three people together. The 19-year-old with long blonde hair wore a beige hoodie, blue jeans, white sneakers and a striking blue tote bag that evening.
Of particular interest to the police is a couple with a dog that the woman met shortly before the crime. The four-legged friend wore a light collar. Witnesses who can provide information about the crime or those involved in the crime are asked to contact the Hanover police on 0511 109-5555.