Twilight Breaking Down Part 2: Robert Pattinson said most hardest thing for me Breaking Dawn Sex Scene.
As fans of the Twilight Saga books knew, the Breaking Dawn films each contain an iconic sex scene between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart: the headboard-shattering honeymoon lovemaking of Part 1 and the vampire-on-vampire sex of Part 2. In a new interview, Rob explains how the makeup necessary to play their roles complicated things when it came time to film the love scenes! Who knew?
As Rob tells Australia’s Ten News, the make-up to turn him into pale vampire Edward Cullen didn’t mix well with Kristen’s fake-tanned Bella during their Brazil honeymoon sex in Breaking Dawn: Part 1. “I remember ‘cuz we shot the sex scene from the last one the same week as we shot the sex scene from this one, and in the last one she was supposed to be in Brazil, so she’s got all like fake tan on and stuff and so we’d transfer makeup all over each other,” Rob said. “Like, I’d be covered in brown streaks and she’d have, like, white splotches all over her face and stuff.”
He admitted that the scene for Part 2 was much easier to film because both he and Kristen were wearing the same white makeup. Too funny!
We can’t wait to get an eyeful of Kristen and Rob in the final film when Breaking Dawn: Part 2 is finally released on Nov. 16!
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