Turkish Minister for EU Egemen Bagıs humiliated, got egged

Turkish Minister for European Union (EU) Affairs and Chief Negotiator Egemen Bagis got egged and humiliated today in İzmir before a speech at the Fourth International Egeart Art Days.
Izmir / NationalTurk – Turkish Minister for European Union (EU) Affairs and Chief Negotiator Egemen Bagis got humiliated, when two students threw eggs on him. One of the eggs had splashed right on the face of Egemen Bagıs. Egemen Bagıs with sticky fluid on his face got in shock.
Turkish Minister for European Union Affairs and Chief Negotiator Egemen Bagis was guest to make a speech at the inauguration of a monument made by Danish sculptors Nina Hole and Ann Charlotte Ohlsson at the Aegean University as part of the Fourth International Egeart Art Days. Bagis was target of students protests which became a routine everytime when a member of the Justice and Development part member visits an university in Turkey. Two students attacked the cocky minister with eggs, one succeeded in hittting Egemen Bagıs right in the middle of his face.
Turkish Politician Gets egged in the face
After the initial shock, Bagıs cleaned his splattered face and made a speech. Bagıs said, ” i am not angry with them [students], i pity them. They are being used by other forces by pathetic mentalities. They should eat eggs to get more proteins. I pity them and i pity the way they have been manipulated.”
An EU without Turkey implied a union with one less vein
An EU without Turkey implied a union with one less vein and Art is a crucial platform where differences and richness could be displayed. There are certain mentalities in the EU that can not accept differences, Egemen Bagis said.
Attending the inauguration of a monument made by Danish sculptors is important for me. When we look at societies who have made progress in contemporary arts, we notice that their democracies are also strong, Bagis added.
I believe that a country’s democracy and freedom of expression go parallel with modern arts, Bagis explained.
We look at the differences in Turkey as richness. There may be certain individuals who may try to block our path. But we will continue to tell them that differences are richness, Bagis also stated.
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