Turkey to consider oil drilling prompts in Mediterranean

The Turkish secretary of state for energy confirmed that Turk Petrol Ltd. would start drilling for oil and gas in the Mediterranean in 2012 and called the Cypriot sides schedule and location for oil drilling a provacation and instigation.
Turkish media has speculated that the plans are in reaction to a decision by its rival, Cyprus, to grant US company Noble Energy rights to begin drilling in its maritime Exclusive Economic Zone.
Turkey Cyprus Conflict : Oil Drilling in Mediterranean is the newest issue
Noble received the concession in 2008, despite opposition from Turkey. Turkey opposes drilling in the waters so long as long-running tensions between the two simmer. Turkey also confirmed if the Cypriot side should begin with drilling, Turkey would also begin drilling operations all around the island of Cyprus.
Cyprus has been divided into a Greek-speaking south and a Turkish-occupied north since July 1974 when, following a Greece-inspired coup, the Turkish military invaded the island.In 1983, the Turkish Cypriots set up a breakaway administration, the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, but Ankara is the only government that recognizes it. Turkey maintains more than 30,000 troops on the northern third of the island.
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