Turkey, the world leader in sunflower imports

Consuming 900 thousand tons of sunflower oil, Turkey is an import addict. While more than 65 percent of sunflower imports are made from Russia and Ukraine, the crude oil import of the sector in just one year reaches 1.1 billion dollars.
While Turkey’s food crisis reached its peak with the war between Russia and Ukraine, the sunflower oil tails reflected from the whole country revealed the insufficient production in agriculture. The statement made by the Vegetable Oil Manufacturers Association that the stocks, including the markets, would be sufficient until mid-April, caused the citizens to rush to the shelves with the fear of price increase and shortage. There is a complete foreign dependency in the consumption of sunflower oil, which has an important share in consumption and which is an average of 900 thousand tons per year in Turkey.
According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, while the sunflower oil obtained from the country’s crop is around 400-450 thousand tons annually, Turkey is the world leader in sunflower imports. Turkey, which imported 820 thousand 771 thousand tons of crude sunflower oil for 1.1 billion dollars in 2021, has also made a difference to 27 EU countries, which are the closest followers with a share of 32.4 percent in sunflower imports and have a share of 27.8 percent in imports. Refined sunflower oil exports of Turkey, which is both an importer and an exporter of sunflowers, amounted to 707.5 million dollars against 460 thousand tons in this period.
Half from Russia
According to the January 2022 market report of the Ministry, 3.3 million tons of sunflowers were imported in the 2019/2020 sales season, while 50.6% of Turkey’s imports were from the Russian Federation, 14.6 percent from Ukraine, 11.5 percent from Bulgaria in the 2020/2021 sales season. was made from.
Consumption per person 40 kilograms
According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, while the per capita consumption is 40 kg in the 2019/20 period, the qualification level is 60.1%. According to TUIK, sunflower production in 2021 was 2.4 million tons.
According to the data of the Turkish Food Associations Federation, the most imported products in the food field in 2021 were wheat (2.3 billion dollars), soybeans (1.5 billion dollars) and crude sunflower oil (1.1 billion dollars), respectively. These 3 products accounted for approximately 28.5 percent of total imports, that is, more than one fourth. While Turkey’s total vegetable oil imports exceeded 3 billion dollars in 2021, crude sunflower oil made up one-third of it.