Turkey’s main opposition leader, Deniz Baykal, has quit his post after an alleged sex tape of the 71-year-old emerged in the Turkish media with former private secretary and current Ankara MP, Nesrin Baytok.
Deniz Baykal during the press conference in which he announced his resignation as leader of the Republican People's Party (CHP).
The Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Deniz Baykal has quit his post after 18-years as an alleged sex tape of the former leader emerged in the media last Friday.
According to allegations, which NationalTurk wrote on Friday(False Sex Scandal to CHP leader Deniz Baykal, condemned), the 71-year-old former leader of the main opposition party, had an affair with the Republican People’s Party, Ankara Member of Parliament (MP), Nesrin Baytok.
Baykal looked very angry in the press conference, which he organized at the headquarters of the Republican People’s Party.
Baykal said in the short press conference “this is not a situation regarding a tape, this is a frame up (conspiracy), a conspiracy is an arrangement against the law and against morals. “
“When one does a conspiracy, they can break and enter into your home, they will install cameras into your walls and furniture, they will film one’s video, get those images of one’s most unprotected form, cut, edit, assemble and distort it.”
“ I will not give myself up to this black campaign. I will not allow anyone to question me over this Lawless and immoral conspiracy.”
Baykal continued, “If there is a consequence for this, and if this consequence is to resign as leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), then I am ready to pay that price.”
“My resigning as leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) should not be interpreted as me giving myself up or trying to escape from this conspiracy. To the contrary it will be rising up to the challenge. “
“With this perception, I am resigning as leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP).
Deniz Baykal, during his speech at the Republican People's Party (CHP) headquarters.
“The things that we have gone through and my resignation should have a new wakening in Turkey. Hopefully, once more, good will prevail evil, and people who cheat and lie will lose and those people who are honest and honorable will win.”
Baykal also spoke of the support which he received from Turkey and the United States referring to Fethullah Gullen, a prominent religious leader in Turkey who is known for his closeness with the government.
Baykal also blamed the government for the conspiracy saying “This is a fresh two week conspiracy. Such an action is impossible to be carried out without the help and power of the government,”
Baykal also condemned and said he does not believe some of those people who tried to give their support to the 71-year-old politician referring to the Prime Minister.
Baykal said “There is no possibility of the government not knowing of such a disgusting conspiracy which is about to be made public. “
“Those people who act like condemning the conspiracy are those who actually committed the crimes, (referring to a speech by the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who condemned those responsible for the video.)”
However much the former leader of the Republican People’s Party has said he is not resigning as an escape root but to fight those responsible for the alleged sex tape, some experts and media panels are saying, Baykal has still failed to deny that it was actually he, who was on the tape.
Experts are also interpreting the speech as very angry, as the former leader spoke extremely harshly of the government.
There have already been talks of who will be the new leader in the secularist Republican People’s Party (CHP), though it is still very early for any strong candidates to come forward.
The former leader was then bombarded by the press while leaving from the front entrance of the Republican People’s Party headquarters but did not answer any questions and went into his government given official car.
Thank god he quit.. What a hopeless shameless disgusting piece of crap he was..