Turkey barres Israeli military plane from entering air space

Turkey has barred an Israeli military cargo plane from entering the country’s air space as a response to the army raid by Israeli Defense Forces on the Turkish aid Flotilla in 31st May where nine activists were killed.
The news of the plane not being allowed into the Turkish airspace has also been confirmed by Turkey’s Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Prime Minster Erdoğan confirmed that the Turkish Airspace has been closed to Israeli military planes during a meeting where the Turkish press were present.
Erdoğan who was asked by a reporter if whether the “Turkish airspace was closed as a general decision or was it a decision made in response to recent events? “ answered “no, the decision was made after recent events, this was already explained.”
According to the Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper printed on Monday the Israeli military cargo plane which took off from Israel on Sunday was carrying 100 Israeli soldiers heading to a Nazi concentration camp in Poland.
Presumably for a remembrance ceremony, but this has not been confirmed.
According to the Turkish Governments Air Department, commercial air lines or other planes carrying civilian passengers are allowed to travel in the Turkish Airspace.
A representative of the Turkish government who spoke to The Associated Press said that the ban on Israeli military planes is not a general ban but is evaluated, case by case.
Another Turkish official which spoke to the BBC had said that, the Israeli military plane flying to Poland had been barred from entering the Turkish airspace because this was the first such request by an Israeli military plane since the ban started.
The plane which was barred from traveling through the Turkish airspace was then thought to have travelled to Poland through the Romanian airspace.
This was the second time Turkey have closed their air space to Israeli military planes after the 2008 Gaza conflict where up to 1000 people had died in the Gaza strip in late December 2008 and early January 2009.
Relations between Israel and Turkey have been in near break point after an aid Flotilla made of six ships lead by the Turkish ship “Mavi Marmara” carrying hundreds of tons of relief to the Gaza strip was raided by Israeli Defense Forces resulting in nine activists being killed.
Erdugan, get a life! I think he’s enjoying the attention form the Arab world. That being said, it will literally blow up one day in Turkey’s face!
Not Ataturk legacy
Iran Islamic revolution= Erdogan Islamic evolution
Who are Erdogan partners?
Agenda:Islam rules the world@kill Jews
2:IHH part of the global Jihad network
Danish@French intelligence reports:
IHH helped AL QAIDA attack on LA airport,send menpower,arms to Islamist
3:Binding Turkey to the Iran Islamist desiring to replace the western civilization- end of democracy