Turkey : 74 year-old attacked by imam (priest in a mosque) in Mugla

Turkish imam attacks 74 year old grandpa for warning him not to preach politics during Friday prayers.
Mugla, Turkey / NationalTurk – Arif Ekiz, a 74-year-old man from the southwestern Turkish province of Muğla was assaulted and beaten up badly by an imam at tje local mosque after warning the imam not to preach politics during Friday prayers, according to daily Milliyet.
The 28 year-old imam allegedly responded violently when old hand Ekiz warned him not bring politics into the mosque, a holy place afterall, after Ekiz spoke up about the imam’s praising a political party during Friday prayers.
Arif Ekiz claimed that his wife saved him from the angry rascal imam, while fellow worshippers at the mosque attending prayers also tried to calm the rabid imam down. Arif Ekiz was hospitaized overnight after receiving several blows to his face and head by the abettor imam. The imam allegedly attacked him with a garden rake, striking him in his legs and hip.
A administrative probe was launched immediately after the victimized Arif Ekiz filed an official complaint against the rascal imam.
The political party the imam was referred to is allegedly using religion to influence masses in Turkey. We will continue to report on this tasteless attack by an imam.
Muğla’s political color has traditionally been center-left. In 2009 communal elections in Turkey, the nationalist MHO made a significant leap in votes and reached %24,2 of casts, yet CHP (Republican People’s Party ) had collected almost half of the votes at %46. There is no trace of ruling AKP ( Justice and Development Party) in Mugla in every 3 elections since it was founded. Mugla is the prominent holiday riviera in Turkey with Bodrum, Marmaris and Dalaman.
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