Kurds from Syria, Iraq and Turkey go together against the brutal terrorist “Islamic State” before. It had already broken fierce fighting, reports a Kurdish spokesman. Tens of thousands of Yezidis are more on the run.
Together intend to proceed against the jihadists of the militia “Islamic State” Kurdish fighters from Iraq, Turkey and Syria: According to a policy representative they have launched an offensive in the northern Iraqi region of Mosul.
With this being members of the banned Kurdistan Workers Party in Turkey (PKK) and the Democratic Union Syrian Party (PYD). These were in the region of Sinjar against IS ago, said the Iraqi Kurdish representatives Hello Pendschweni. Iraqi Peshmerga fighters tried to secure areas north and east of Mosul.
Jabbar Yawar, Secretary General of the Ministry of the Kurdish Peshmerga units, said, in northern Iraq fierce fighting had already broken out: Kurdish fighters and the IS-militia deliver himself fighting in a town located 40 kilometers south-west of the Kurdish city of Arbil. They work together again with Baghdad.
The IS-wing extremists had large areas between the northern Iraqi city of Mosul and the Syrian border captured in recent days, including the cities of Sinjar and Sumar and several oil fields and allegedly also supplies a power plant that large parts of Iraq with electricity.
The situation of refugees in northern Iraq is dramatic: 30,000 families were sitting without food and water in the mountains firm, reported a Yezidi MPs. 70 children and 30 elderly people had already died, according to their report – they lacked food and water. On Sunday, fighters of the militia “Islamic State” (IS) had occupied the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar. According to the House of Representatives since 500 men of the faith community were killed.
Yawar speaks of 50,000 Yazidis, who are trapped in the mountains. You threatened with starvation if they do not reach rescue within 24 hours. According to the UN, on Tuesday even sought more protection than 200,000 people in the surrounding areas.
Kurds Attack again Islamic State Terrorists:UN Security Council condemned the attacks
The Yezidis are a Kurdish-speaking minority, the jihadists consider them as “devil worshipers” and they have repeatedly attacked in the past. The radikalsunnitische movement IS is also moderate Sunnis, Shiites and the Christian minority in Iraq. Finally, the group also threatened to extend their dominion to the entire autonomous Kurdish region.
The UN Security Council condemned the attacks of the Dschihadistengruppe: The persecution of civilians because of their ethnicity or religion can constitute a crime against humanity, it said on Tuesday in a picked by the British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant UN declaration. Those responsible should be held accountable. In this the Council drew particular attention to the attacks on members of the minority Yazidi. Many of them had been executed, abducted or forced to flee.
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