The world’s largest wind turbine is be built in Germany
What are the best energy sources of the future and how do we use them? Climate expert Michaela Koschak has a practical solution ready. A project in three parts is just around the corner.
On today’s wind day, the question arises as to the energy sources for the future. The wind also has disadvantages, according to skeptical Germans. But what is really behind it? t-online columnist Michaela Koschak explains in “Koschaks Klima-Kosmos” and names what she thinks is the best practical solution – and it comes from Germany.
You can find out what it looks like and what is behind the ambitious project that is to be built soon here or in the video above.
Michaela Koschak studied meteorology at the FU Berlin and is known to many people from television. The 44-year-old presented the weather for Sat.1, MDR and NDR, among others. In addition, she is an author.
Michaela Koschak has been working as a weather columnist for t-online since 2019, and now regularly comments and explains weather and climate phenomena from the perspective of sustainability. Venice’s canals dry up, sandstorms take the air out of people’s breath, blood-red lakes appear in tourist areas: is that still weather or is it already climate? What are the phenomena behind it? Do we have to worry every time – and what can man do? t-online columnist Michaela Koschak takes current news and pictures as well as general phenomena as an opportunity to explain to us what is behind them