The last day of the trial of mass killer Anders Behring Breivik in Norway

mass killer Anders Behring Breivik
mass killer Anders Behring Breivik

The last day of the trial of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has begun last week. His defence team were arguing Norwegian killer Anders Breivik should be considered sane in their closing arguments at the trial in accused hometown – Norway.

The prosecution has called for Anders Breivik to be considered insane and commit him to a mental institution. Anders Behring Breivik admits to killing 77 people in twin attacks last year in July, most of them teenagers at a Labour Party summer camp at the Utoya island. Norwegian murderer says he should be declared sane, but acquitted on grounds that he was defending the Norwegian citizens by fighting the supporters of Muslim immigration. He added also if the court finds him to have been insane, that will be worse than death for him, and he will appeal.

Three out of four Norwegians consider mass killer Anders Behring Breivik sane enough for a jail term. A pre-trial psychiatric report that found him to be insane has made such an outcry that the court ordered another one, which came to the opposite conclusion. Anders Breivik’s main lawyer – Geir Lippestad, told to the court in Oslo his client did not litigation the charges against him.

Prosecutors push for sanity verdict for Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik who has killed 77 people at the Utoya island in Norway last year

Norwegian Anders Breivik, who describes himself as an anti-Muslim militant, explained he is sane and that his attacks were motivated by his political views. He claimed that his homeland Norway and all Europe are already being colonized by Muslims and its necessary to fight against it.

If the court agrees with the prosecution’s request, Anders Behring Breivik could be held indefinitely, receiving treatment in a secure ward set up in a high-security prison, and coming up for review every 3 years.

The 2 professional and 3 lay judges will make the final ruling on Anders Breivik’s psychical health and transmit their verdict to the end of August.

The last day of the trial comes exactly eleven months after Breivik’s double attacks in June 22 last year at the Utoya island in Norway.

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