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The club president who sold his Ferrari

Ankaragücü is one of the oldest football clubs in Turkey, which is struggling nowadays due to financial problems. The newly elected president of the club came up with some harch solutions. He sold his Ferrari for the clubs sake.
Ankara / NationalTurk – Sami Altınyuva, the club president of struggling and financially troubled Ankaragucu from Turkish Super League has sold his own Ferrari ina n attempt to pay the debts of the century old sports club.
The yellow-blue Ankara outfit’s extraordinary general meeting was on November 18 , in which Sami Altınyuva was appointed as chairman. He had purchased in 2009, 06 SA 526 plated, custom-made Ferrari, which is worth about 300 Thousand TL and sold it in order to find a solution to financial woes of his club.
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ankaragucu is official match fixer and supported at and since 1980 military coup, ı hope they will be erased from turkish football