That’s why you shouldn’t blow dry your hair in the bathroom

Wash, blow dry and style your hair? Most people do that in the bathroom. But we should better look for another room to dry our hair. And not for security reasons.

Almost everyone knows that you shouldn’t blow dry your hair in the bathtub. But very few people know that the tip also applies to drying hair outside of the wet room. However, the reason is not personal safety.

Two reasons not to blow dry in the bathroom

After showering, bathing or generally washing your hair, the humidity in the bathroom is high. It promotes frizzy hair, also known as frizz.

The hair is dry after blow-drying. But the smallest particles of moisture are still buzzing around in the room. They then settle on the hair and make for a fiddly hairstyle.

The second reason: In a damp bathroom, the hair takes much longer to dry because the fine moisture particles are constantly being deposited on it. This means that you have to blow dry longer, which puts a lot of strain on the hair structure.

What can you do?

After washing your hair, you should gently pat your hair dry with a towel or a special microfibre cloth. Then let them air dry a little and then blow dry them in another room – for example the living room or hallway – a short time later. This not only saves time, but also protects your hair and your wallet (energy costs).

You should not use your hair dryer in the bedroom. A lot of hair and skin flakes are lost during drying and styling. This increases dust formation and magically attracts house dust mites: for many, this is a reason for poor sleep.

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