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Hurser Tekinoktay: My target is the Champions League

Hurser Tekinoktay: My current goal is to get a team to compete in the Champions League

Hürser Tekinoktay, the previous presidential candidate of Beşiktaş, answered the questions of Kartal Haber Murat Topçu.

Tekinoktay, who was a candidate for the presidency in the last two elections, stated that Beşiktaş was mismanaged after Süleyman Seba and said, “This election is of historical importance for Beşiktaş.”

Murat Topçu: Mr. Hürser Tekinoktay, can you tell us about yourself? Who is Hurser Tekinoktay?
Hürser Tekinoktay: If you look at it from a sportive point of view, you can say that he is a football coach who grew up from Beşiktaş’s Infrastructure… A Beşiktaş member who has many years of experience in the field of tourism apart from sports…

Murat Topçu: You were a candidate for the presidency of Beşiktaş in the last two elections. Do you intend to run for election in May?
Hürser Tekinoktay: We entered two elections, one ordinary and one extraordinary, within 5 months, together with my dear friends, and we did not win.

At the point reached today, we tried to express to some people that day that we can experience an unpleasant, worrying and unhappy environment for everyone, both culturally, sportingly and as a Beşiktaş fan.

I will say, ‘But it means we couldn’t explain it’, but some of them probably did not want to understand what we wanted to say. The point reached now; It is the most critical choice in Beşiktaş history. If there is even a 50% risk of losing, it is an election period where all Beşiktaş fans should be very careful. If this place cannot be evaluated well, being a tool for it would be the worst evil to be done to Beşiktaş.

At least our experience shows this. For this reason, in the first days of 2022, we made a call for valuable Beşiktaş fans, who have always taken responsibility in the community, have experience and trustworthy, to come together with a single list.

As a result, it is obvious that no Beşiktaş fan is satisfied with the current situation, and it is our duty to support such a formation. The most important thing is that if this community spends another term with the current president, I’m afraid that there will be many things that cannot be compensated materially and morally.

Murat Topçu: How do you think Beşiktaş can be successful? The debts of Beşiktaş Club are very high. How can the financial statement be corrected?
Hürser Tekinoktay: Look, this is a sports club where all of its income and expenses are mainly on football. Football has its own economy.

There is production. It has marketing, it has a success algorithm. Although it may seem simple from the outside, it is not possible to get positive results from this for those who do not know the dynamics of football itself. At this point, this is exactly what it is.

The economy and economy of football itself are also different… Most importantly, it is an area of ​​expertise where added value should be created as in every sector.

Someone without such experience cannot manage a football club. Suleyman Seba, who has these criteria if he manages, does not have any of these criteria; With Serdar Bilgili, Yıldırım Demirören, Fikret Orman and Ahmet Nur Çebi, you transform from a debt-free club to a club that has reached a debt of 5 quadrillion in 22 years.

On top of that, the system goes bankrupt with iron and steel workers, builders, contractors and businessmen like them.

All projects and resources are wasted. On top of that, you don’t even have a testimonial, which is your equity capital that you should have in Futbol AŞ. As a result, football has an industrial structure with its own production, cost and efficiency algorithms.

If you establish a football business model that has this, the financial table will improve in a very short time and become a great profitability.

As a matter of fact, this success rate is above 70% in all of Europe. However, this rate rises to 90%, especially in clubs with a historical and sociological structure like us. In particular, BJK created an additional budget income of up to 150 million euros in the Champions League a few years ago in a calendar year.

When there is such an exchange rate increase in our country, the foreign currency is TL. Your debts can be paid off very quickly.

This precedent 150 million euro income created from the Champions League is approximately equal to the 19-year debt amount of the current administration at today’s exchange rate.

It should be an up-to-date plan for Beşiktaş to increase its exports as a result of this foreign exchange and exchange rate policy in our country. You can export in Football in 2 ways; 1- Sports success 2- With the human/athlete investments you produce and scout at low cost

Che tattooed president to Beşiktaş ! Who is Hurser Tekinoktay?

Murat Topçu: Who do you think should manage Beşiktaş?
Hürser Tekinoktay: First of all, merit, transparency, honesty, trust in words should be the first principles to manage both football and Beşiktaş. People who have the characteristics I mentioned above can stabilize the sportive success and improve the economic structure in a short time. These should be preferred.

Murat Topçu: What are your goals in the next period?
Hürser Tekinoktay: I have a basic instinct that wants to compete in the absolute UEFA Champions League in football 🙂 I couldn’t return to my coaching life, which I took a break, because of the famous Fulya Case… If I had continued, I was sure that I would compete as a coach in that lane. I would love to do this as the president of Beşiktaş. It didn’t work out.

My main goal right now is; To buy a club located abroad, which our company aspires to in 2019 (the name remains hidden for now). At that time, our political structure as a country did not fit, they did not accept to give it to us. But I hope we can achieve this in the future, or we can do it with a foreign company structure and write a fairy tale story.

I can say that this is my goal in football from now on. In general, Beşiktaş president Ahmet Nur Cebi won the Super Cup as well as 2 cups last season. Are we going to call it successful because it won 3 trophies for Beşiktaş? Unfortunately, Çebi did not win these achievements, but Beşiktaş did. Just like the successes we have gained over the years…

In particular, Beşiktaş’s desire to win the basic codes, its equity and its representative, Sergen Yalçın, and his friends and the team with football players won it alone… They say what would have happened if the president had not paid his salaries on time, as Ahmet Nur Cebi had his spokespersons say…

That’s not the case, the president paid the salaries with the loan configuration he made by assigning our revenues from Ziraat Bank. Beşiktaş paid the money. From now on, Beşiktaş will also pay the money they borrowed from the interest. We will pay…

If Cebi is going to pay the difference from his pocket when he leaves his debt with 2.6 billion, then there is no problem… But I don’t think you can pay. We are willing to pay even half of it on our behalf. It is necessary to ask him and those who voted for him, if he has money, how much of the damage he inflicted on us will he put back in the safe?

Murat Topçu: What message would you like to give to the big Beşiktaş fans here?
Hürser Tekinoktay: Nobody is richer than Beşiktaş. Nobody is stronger than Beşiktaş. Go to the stadium and take care of Beşiktaş… Especially young people, buy your own ticket, be free and free…

Murat Topçu: I personally and the Kartalhaber Family thank you for not offending us and answering our questions sincerely, and I wish you success in our future lives.
Hürser Tekinoktay: I would also like to thank you very much, I would like to express my love and respect to all your friends and all Beşiktaş fans…

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