Tehran Protest: Iranians demonstrating for strict dress codes / Breaking News


Many teachers show their hair and wear tight fitting clothes – President Rohani has called on the vice squad to greater tolerance. Conservatives goes too far: They demonstrate for “chastity and moral security.”

The dress code for women in Iran are strict: you must cover her hair with a veil and wear loose garments, which are intended to prevent the looming figure of the woman underneath. But not all Iranians stick to it .

Some conservative Iranians is going too far . On Wednesday they have protested outside the Interior Ministry in Tehran against the fact that the dress code for women are softened . According to the state news agency Irna said to have participated in the rally, 4,000 men and women. Eyewitnesses speak of about 500 demonstrators , among them were many students of theology have been .

” Public chastity , wearing the veil and moral security should not be forgotten – despite economic sanctions and regime change ,” it said in a statement, which was read during the protest. The authorities would again have to worry that these rules are followed , the protesters demanded . Some participants carried signs with slogans like : ” Obey God and His Prophet .”

” Immorality is very prevalent in our society. We must do something about it before it is too late ,” said a protester of the ” Los Angeles Times ” .

Tehran Protest:Conservative scent Betrays

According to Iranian media, the rally was disbanded after a short time because the organizers had not filed the protest. “Someone who wants to protect the virtues that should not be as a breach of the law commit,” said Hossein Hashemi, Governor of the province of Tehran, the news agency ISNA.

The rally is a sign that a part of Iranian society sees the moderate price of the newly elected President Hassan Rohani with discomfort. See Conservative Iranians in its open attitude towards the West a betrayal of the ideals of the Islamic revolution.

The moral guardians of the Iranian police, supposed to monitor compliance with the dress code, always moving a rare contrast. Last year, Rohani had in fact called the moral police to more restraint and tolerance.

The threat of punishment deter women not more freedom of movement from: Especially in the summer months slipped the headscarf sometimes far into the neck. In the big cities carry more and more young women form-fitting fashion. For violations threaten the Iranians fines and arrests.

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