Tea male drinkers at greater risk of prostate cancer. The scientists at the University of Glasgow found that men who are hard tea drinkers may be more likely to develop prostate cancer.
Researchers from Glasgow University followed the health of more than 6 thousand men volunteers over a period of around 37 years. The scientists at the University of Glasgow found that more then 7 cups of tea per day had a 50 per cent higher risk of men expanding prostate cancer compared with temperate and non tea drinkers or men who drunk less than four cups of tea per day. But whether the link is incidental or proper to coincidence is still unknown.
Tea drinking link to prostate cancer risk
All of over 6 thousand male volunteers were asked to complete a questionnaire about their ordinary consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking habits and general health, and attended a screening examination. The researchers discovered that a quarter of the 6 thousand men contained in the study were hard tea drinkers. Around 6,3 per cent of those male tea drinkers expanded prostate cancer.
Dr Kashif Shafique – scientist from the university’s Institute of Health and Wellbeing who led the research, has commented : ‘ I was surprised when we discovered there does seem to be a link. We found that with each cup of tea drank above seven cups, the bigger the risk of you catching the cancer. We don’t know whether tea itself is a risk factor or if tea drinkers are generally healthier and live to an older age when prostate cancer is more common anyway. ‘
Although the report of the scientists from University of Glasgow certified there was ‘ strong ‘ proof that green tea helps avert cancer, it said also the evidence about the black tea used in the traditional British cuppa is ‘ equivocal ‘.
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