The police officers, identified as Asumba Mwasumbi and Veronica Mdeme were seen in the photo kissing each other passionately while on duty post in a comfortable place.
The photograph was taken by a third officer in the Kagera region in the northwestern part of the country. The third officer was also dismissed for posting the photo on the internet.
The police administration said the officers were fired on grounds of gross misconduct in the course of discharging their official duties.
But people have taken to the various social media platforms to express their dissatisfaction about the dismissal by the police authorities. Majority are of the opinion that the police officers should have been reprimanded and cautioned instead of dismissal.
Local reporters say the photo was uploaded on the internet by a third officer identified as Fadhiri Linga who took the photo of the two kissing with his phone. It is unclear whether he had the consent of the kissers before taken the photo which has now cost them of their jobs.
The Kagera Regional Police Commander, Henry Mwaibambe said it is not because of the act that caused them their job but the fact that they were on duty which is in violation of the ethics of the police force.
“We followed all disciplinary procedures to make sure that they were given a chance to defend themselves, the officer looking at the case was convinced there was compelling evidence against them, and that they had breached police code of conduct. That’s why they lost their jobs”, he explained.
Tanzania like any other African country is conservative with some acts relating to sex seen in public as injurious to the moral fiber of the society.
Earlier this year, a Kenyan policewoman, Linda Okello, almost got dismissed after pictures of her in a tight and mini police skirt went viral on social media.
Issaka Adams / NationalTurk Africa News
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