United Kingdom Scotland News, Photos and Videos
Scotland before the referendum: Europe fears the collapse / UK News
Brussels is looking fixedly at the Scottish referendum. A spin-off of the country by the British could seduce imitators throughout…
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Scotland Referandum 2014: More and more Scots for Independence / UK News
Bye-bye UK ? According to a survey in Scotland opinion researchers call a remarkable change in sentiment. Even among women…
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New poll on Scotland Independence: Scots intensive course / UK News
It is extremely scarce: Two weeks before the Scottish referendum bring the separatists rapidly on. The cleavage of Great Britain…
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Scotland Referendum 2014: Independence opponent can score in TV debate / UK News
Applause, booing, a hortatory Moderator: The first televised debate before the referendum on Scottish independence shows how hardened the fronts…
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Vote on Scottish Independence:If not United Kingdom, Scotland cant use Pound / UK News
In September, the Scots decide whether they divest themselves from the United Kingdom. With the pound, the country would also…
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Scotland Independence Referandum 2014:Scottish nationalists wants to separate with all the advantages from the UK ! / UK News
Scotland's SNP Government is set to present a vision of a "wealthier and fairer" Scotland ahead of next year's independence…
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Scottish Independence: Only 34 percent Scots supported independence for referandum / UK – Scotland News
Scots are unconvinced, they do not know Independence referendum would bring them what ? Scotland is actually happy to be…
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Scottish independence: ‘Yes’ campaign Launches
The official campaign encouraging people to back Scottish independence in a referendum is being launched in Edinburgh.