UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon News, Photos and Videos
Cameroon Resist CAR Attack: Cameroonian Forces Gun Down 6 Gunmen from the Central Africa / Africa News
The Cameroonian armed forces have said that it has killed six gunmen from the troubled country of the Central Africa…
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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon concerned Syrian crisis affected to Lebanon / Syria Conflict
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced his deep concern about the possible impact of the Syrian crisis on the neighboring states.
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Iran president Ahmedinejad said Israel An Insult To Humanity
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called Israel's existence an "insult to all humanity", in one of his sharpest attacks yet…
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‘Suicide bomb’ kills defence minister in Syria / Syria Conflict
Syrian Defence Minister Daoud Rajiha has been killed in a suspected suicide bombing at the national security headquarters in the…
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Hollande to Press Russia on Syria Resolution
New French President Francois Hollande has vowed to put pressure on Russia to support UN Security Council action against Syrian…
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UN to welcome Durban Platform on Climate Change
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the adoption of the Durban Platform by the Convention on Climate Change, and called…
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UN Demands End of Violence against Women
The United Nations urged the governments to put an end to the violence against women and girls underlining that 'only…