Turkey Syria Border News, Photos and Videos
Support of War Crimes:Human denounce Turkey’s role in the Syrian civil war / Breaking News
Turkey helps the rebels in the fight against President Assad of Syria and also supports war criminals, suing the human…
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Syria reacts to NATO move on Patriot missiles in Turkey : Provacative
Syria slams NATO move to deploy Patriot missiles along Turkey Syria border, calls Turkey ' servant of the West '
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Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan calls Russia’s reaction over Turkey Patriot move ‘very wrong’
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan strikes back at Russia who has shown harsh reaction to NATO’s deployment of Patriot missiles…
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A strong response from Russia to Turkey about Patriot missiles / Breaking News
Russia has warned Turkey against deploying surface-to-air Patriot missiles to protect its troubled border with Syria, saying it should instead…
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Turkey officially demands Patriots from NATO to deploy them on Syrian border / Breaking News
Turkey's demand from NATO to deploy Patriot missiles along Syrian border is an official one. Turkey bolsters anti-Syria defense with…
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US troops stationed on Syrian border : Reports denied by Turkey
Turkish Foreign Ministry officials have categorically denied media reports claiming that US special forces in number stationed close to the…
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Turkey piles up navy presence in Mediterranean over Syria tension
Turkey is reinforcing its Naval force in the Mediterranean Sea after the escalation in tension with Syria.
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Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has spoken: Turkey does not want war with Syria :P
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan finally has spoken : Turkey has no intention of going to war with Syria,…
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Turkish parliament discuss cross-border intervention to Syria; government offers, opposition refuses
Turkish AKP government will bring up a Syrian cross-border assault to the Turkish Parliament, but the opposition is expected to…
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Syrian shell falls into Turkish town on Turkish Syrian border, at least 5 dead !
Akçakale, the Turkish town on Turkey Syria border was by a Syrian shell where at least 5 died! Syrian conflict…
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Aleppo fighting intensifies, Assad ‘s army advances in the devastated Syrian city of Aleppo / Syria Aleppo News
Syrian President Assad's army forces continue to march amd advances in Aleppo to secure the devasteted Syrian city from the…
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Turkey closes all gates along Syria border / Turkey Syria Conflict News
In light of worsening security conditions in Syria, Turkey decided to close all gates at Syria - Turkey border from…
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Turkey : Army sends missile batteries to Turkey Syria border / Syria Crisis News
Turkey armed forces are locating ground-to-air missile batteries to the Syrian border, in an attempt to boost its firepower as…
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Turkey military scrambles F-16 fighter jets to Syrian approaching border
Turkey has scrambled six F-16 combat jets near its border with Syria after Syrian helicopters flew too close to the…
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Turkey starts launching military convoy at Turkey Syria border / Long distance guns deployed Breaking News
Turkey launches first wave of military convoy to Turkish Syrian border. The large military shipment reported to include lond-distance guns…