Etiket: Germany Wuppertal

  • Islamism in Germany:Dumber than the “sharia police “allowed / Breaking news


    What a success! Even the Chancellor has dealt with the tangled minds of Wuppertal in their safety vests. Who would have thought? More stupid provocation, the more we fall for it.

    Caution! Islamism getting worse! Men in orange safety vests roam German inner cities: The “Sharia police” to patrol. Turkish shopkeepers hide the raki under the counter. German men dark mustaches stuck on his face, blonde women puzzle: Can I wear my ass antlers under the burqa? And the domestic affairs of all federal countries unite in the fight against Islamist currents, the “poison in our society instill” formulated as Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. Earlier, the Pope opened a boutique in Wuppertal – today the Imam. We see that the situation is serious – or?

    After all, the Chancellor has personally intervened. Angela Merkel speaks well known, not much. All the more significant when it breaks her silence. “There is a monopoly of the State,” Merkel said: “No one else is authorized to sneak into the role of the police and therefore the beginnings must be fought here.” The beginnings! Great word. In truth, there are a handful of men in orange vests with the imprint “Sharia Police” that ran the Wuppertal Neumarktstraße up and down. The police access was performed immediately. Investigation for violating the Assembly Act were initiated. Much more will the people can not be blamed.

    But because we want to defend the dawn, the justice minister of the Federal Republic of Germany said the same of an “attack on our free way of life”, the Union parliamentary leader Volker Kauder demanded a ban on the Islamic moral watchdogs and Bavarian Interior Minister … but we already had. And then the Chancellor!

    This is called a successful provocation. And a good deal for provocateurs and Provoked alike: Better Advertising has never been made ​​for Salafism in Germany. And cheaper than by stirring up anti-Islamic fears political consent in Germany is currently not to have. A win-win situation. The loser is the reason.

    “? Forced marriages, honor killings, burqas, sharia, parallel society, anti-Semitism The listen integration officer did not like, because it interferes with their welcoming culture”, wrote the “FAZ” in the summer and came to the conclusion: “There are immigrants who are not welcome.” Right! For a quantity of the German applies. The fight against the German Islamism is the fight against parallel societies? There is much to do. Who was on a Brandenburg nudist camp times, know what is being discussed. And Bayern Minister Herrmann is already Parallel expert. Because, really, who knows exactly what is going on in Soundsohausen in the Catholic Men’s Club?

    Islamism in Germany:There will be people who voluntarily remain in the SPD

    Merkel is right: The state has the monopoly of violence. But a judicial monopoly in the sense that the state is responsible for the arbitration of all disputes, he has not. Constantly, people voluntarily adhere to any rules, for which the state is not responsible, in churches, parties, clubs. There may even be people who remain voluntarily in the SPD.

    As for the realism of our risk assessment, the journalist Harald Mart Stein wrote years ago: “The statistical risk in a country in the Western world to die from a terrorist bomb is less than the risk of suffocating in or better after the ingestion of a Kugelschreiberteilchens . “In actual fact, die each year in Germany approximately 300 people in ballpoint pen parts. If it’s all about the dead, the fight against ballpoint pen from a German perspective would be much more rewarding than the fight against international terrorism. Perhaps a topic for the Chancellor?

    “The ability to understand that one’s way of life, culture or religion is not only possible, and to realize the limitations of your own mind system, is one of the highest achievements of mankind, is never taken for granted and must be maintained by continuous civilization Workout: can easily disappear. “This comes from the Israeli philosopher and psychologist Carlo Strenger. A bit of civilization training could not hurt both the confused Salafists and the hysterical politicians.

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  • Islamists in Wuppertal:Germany and Europe should be aware of the danger of Islamists / Breaking News


    The “sharia police” in Wuppertal has the look once again drawn to the Islamist scene in Germany. The Chancellor calls for vigilance, the BKA warns return to jihad and individual perpetrators.

    They wear dark, fuzzy Rauschebärte, black headscarves and put grim faces on. They shout “Allahu akbar,” “God is great”, in Hall 1 of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court. The alleged terrorists Marco G., 27, and Enea B., 44, are currently the most likely dangerous Islamists in Germany. According to the indictment they would probably dozens of people murdered with a bomb in Bonn railway station and with attacks on right-wing politicians. But the plans failed. Since Monday, they now have to answer in court.

    The four-member terrorist cell that had formed around a native of Oldenburg long-term unemployed G., exemplifies the growing problem of Salafism in Germany. The scene has been experiencing years of strong inflow, the constitutional protection pays the spectrum since about 5500 young men, many of them are converts. A study by the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Interior has stated that that in them especially for labile guys from disturbed family backgrounds who feel attracted by the simple messages and the alleged fraternity of the Islamist milieus.

    This Bankrupts are the great reservoir, can draw from the fisher of men as the fundamentalist preacher Pierre Vogel or Ibrahim Abou-Nagie. Just like the Salafistenführer Sven Lau, who caused a sensation with his “sharia police” in Wuppertal quite a stir, the speaker of the scene offering the seeker a value system that knows only good and evil. For many an ideology with strict rules and the community of peers of great attraction seems to be.

    Islamists in Germany:The embassies of the Hetzer

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    These so indoctrinated then put on the Hetzer, jihadists as the brothers Chouka from Bonn-Bad Godesberg. They moved several years ago in the fight against the infidels to Waziristan and stirring up the scene with drooling propaganda videos remotely on. The assassinations of pro-NRW politicians were apparently inspired by the hate messages of Choukas. Propagandists as the former Berlin gangster rapper Denis Cuspert also call on the scene to engage in Syrian Civil War.

    In fact, the Syrian conflict takes already significantly more volunteers from Europe as the time of the distant war in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, more than 400 jihadists from Germany traveled to the disaster area, according to security sources, a third of which has already returned. Of whom have been involved in about 25 battles. Around 40 jihadists from Germany died, half a dozen of them in suicide attacks.

    In his confidential “threat level image politically motivated crime” therefore warns the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) before the “high security risk” of returning from Syria jihadists and a “continuing threat” of Islamist terrorists. As with the Bonner prevented bombers who wanted to avenge provocations of the extreme right party Pro NRW according to the indictment, according to the BKA wins the strategy of “individual jihad” ever more important. So-called “Lone Offender”, ie individual attackers, difficult to detect, prevent their actions hardly.

    Islamists In Germany:Chancellor Merkel calls for vigilance

    Even Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) called for in a television interview to be vigilant, even if “no specific evidence of a terrorist threat” were available.

    That other conflicts in the world seem to move the Islamist scene in Germany, see the recent arrests of the Attorney General. At Frankfurt airport officials were on Monday the jihadists Steven N., 26 W. Abdullah, 28, and his brother Abdul Salam W., 23, arrested. You should have joined in Somalia the Islamist Al-Shabaab militia and engaged in armed struggles. The militia, which wants to establish a theocracy in the Horn of Africa, has become known among other things, to the attack on the “West Gate” -Shopping in the Kenyan capital Nairobi in September last year.

    In Bavaria it just came back to arrests: At the German-Austrian border police stopped two suspected Salafists. Against both men arrest warrant was issued, a spokeswoman for the Munich I Public Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday. Against one of the two, a 24-year-old from Kosovo coming man will, under investigation for acquiring without jihadists in Germany.

    In an email to a friend of the alleged terrorist Marco G. wrote in January 2011: “Dear brother, I have a very good plan, as we face the dirty kuffar (unbelievers d ed.) Can do and Allah’s mercy and fortune favor (… can attain). “A little later he brought with him to build a bomb.

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  • Salafists in Wuppertal:”Sharia police” How dare this insolents it is in the middle of Europe ? / Breaking News

    «Scharia-Polizei» in  Wuppertal.

    The “sharia police” of Wuppertal angered the Muslims: your Central Chairman Mazyek criticized the actions sharp – and calls the supposed moral guardians “yobs”.

    The young men arguing orange safety vests imprinted with “Shariah Police” over and issued in the Wuppertal city center pious advice: As a so-called Sharia police Salafists have posing as guardians of public morals – and immediately was the outrage large.

    The Chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman ​​Mazyek has sharply criticized the action now. “These few yobs do not speak in our name,” said Mazyek in the “Tagesspiegel am Sonntag”. What would do the Wuppertal Salafists, was a “misappropriation of our religion.” You hurt tremendously with their “shrill and completely absurd action” Muslims. However Mazyek also demanded to pay too much attention to the action.

    The Moenchengladbach preacher Sven Lau claimed on Saturday that unasked distributed Tips to refrain from vices such as gambling or drugs were merely been a clever advertising campaign for its Salafist troops.

    NRW Interior Minister Ralf Jäger (SPD), meanwhile, has arranged to ensure the orange vests with the imprint “Shariah Police”, the Salafists should thus appear again in public. According to the prosecution, it had initially been no legal recourse to ensure the West.

    Islamists in Wuppertal: The head of the “sharia police”

    “Stay away from gambling, do not touch drugs, do not touch the wrong way,” says Sven Lau and encourages the young man caring his hand on his shoulder. The 33-year-old Lau, who was born and raised in North Rhine-Westphalia Mönchengladbach, once was fire chief of the city fire department. He knows how to put out fires and also exactly how they are lit. With his latest missionary action in Wuppertal, the “Sharia police”, he has certainly triggered a media firestorm – which should please him.

    In a Saturday published on its website video he presents the PR campaign in any case as a unique campaign is: The “Sharia police” never really existed, the men dressed the orange west for a few hours. “We knew that the sensation will bring,” said Lau. His goal was to initiate a discussion on Islamic law in Germany.

    Lau is one of the speakers of the ever-growing Salafist scene. He directed in his hometown Mönchengladbach a mosque and was chairman of the fundamentalist organization “Invitation to Paradise”. Constitutional protection and detective watching the extremists for years. For a Hetzer or hate preacher actually holds it, hardly anyone drooling speeches are not his thing. Laus mesh is rather the buddy tour. He’s on a larger, wiser brother – which is not necessarily less dangerous. Especially Lau playing with the media and public opinion now perfectly mastered.

    Islamists ın Wuppertal:Salafists proselytize in Germany

    For years advertise Salafists in Germany on the road – with increasing success: You are trying to inspire young men for their fundamentalism. But they distribute flyers and Quran translations, they go to school yards and organize mass rallies. Laus sympathizer and fellow Pierre Vogel, also an advocate of Sharia, its obscure views could even spread on talk shows of public television.

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