Dismantled missiles, combat aircraft and air defense – on board the ship stopped in the Panama Canal from North Korea are weapons from Cuba.
This has given the government in Havana. Supposedly the military equipment is obsolete and should only be repaired. It was a surprising find, under tons of sugar discovered Panamanian authorities in the North Korean ship “Chong Chon Gang” weapons. Now, Cuba’s government has spoken out: You have loaded the freighter with military equipment. If it were 240 tons of “outdated defensive unit,” which was to be shipped for repair to North Korea, said the Foreign Ministry in Havana on Tuesday night.
On board of the ship, according to the Cuban government weapons that were built during the Soviet era. These included two anti-aircraft missile batteries, nine rockets exploded and two MiG-21 fighter jets.
The material had been hidden under a sugar-charge Panamanian media reported. The freighter had been loaded at a port in Cuba, 10,000 tons of sugar, said the Foreign Ministry.
North Korean Suspicius Ship Panama Canal:Undeclared chain-like objects on board

Panama had stopped the North Korean ship at the entrance to the channel on Monday and arrested the crew. On board undeclared chain-like objects were found. President Ricardo Martinelli asked the United States and Britain for help. Experts from both countries should clarify what there were for equipment on board the ship, the station TVN Noticias quoted the head of state.
On Tuesday, he had told radio Panama, police in Colon on the Atlantic entrance of the Panama Canal had suspected the freighter could have drug loaded. Then was the ship that transported large amounts of sugar, were searched. The captain tried to take his own life. The team had resisted the police forces, as Martinelli. Through his Twitter account, he published a picture of the inside of the container.
The President pointed out that undeclared war material should not be transported through the Panama Canal: “The Panama Canal is a channel of peace and not of war.” The nearly 80-kilometer-long canal is one of the most important international waterways.
In the space now stands accused of an alleged violation of sanctions imposed by the UN had imposed in connection with North Korea’s nuclear program against the regime. The Communist Cuba is one of the few allies of foreclosed North Korea.
Suspicius Ship Panama Canal:North Korea secretly tested rocket propulsion
Last week it was revealed that North Korea has apparently secretly tested a drive for long-range missiles in the spring. This is indicated by recordings from the base Sohae out, said the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University. In the evaluated by the experts images to see a suspicious activity. Among them were a tanker truck and a train with seven cars, which could have provided the actuator. “The recent test suggests that Pyongyang despite UN sanctions have long-range missile program promotes.”
The test of rocket propulsion is less vulnerable than the start of whole missiles. North Korea is largely isolated internationally over its nuclear program. The nuclear test of the state in February had applied himself to the allies China; the Beijing government supported tougher sanctions in the UN Security Council. In April air measurements had shown the nuclear testing: Monitoring stations in Japan and Russia have shown radioactive isotope of the noble gas xenon.
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