A soldier is dead, the assassin also: The shootout at the Parliament in Ottawa Canada shaken. The culprit was apparently converted to Islam – and the secret known to be highly dangerous. Were there accomplices?
The monument in the center of capital city Ottawa, they had built a few years after the First World War, to commemorate Canada’s victims. Later it was also dedicated it to the fight against dictatorships during World War II and other wars. The “National War Memorial” stands right opposite the Parliament building, around the corner from the Prime Minister’s seat.
This is the scene in which the attacks occurred one or more offenders in the course of Wednesday.
The alleged perpetrator A soldier has been shot dead, also, there are casualties: the evening is fixed. And the police are looking for accomplices. Much is still unclear: the background, the subject.
According to media reports, there should be at the alleged assassin to the 1982 Canadian-born Michael Z.-B. action. The intelligence community should have classified him as a “highly dangerous” and recently revoked his passport.
Ottawa, normally one of the most quietest capitals in the world is shaken.
* What terror it Islamist? Perhaps Because They Canada engaged in the fight against the terrorist militias of the “Islamic State” (IS)?
* Is there a connection to the assassination of that radical Islamists who had killed a soldier in a suburb of the Canadian metropolis Montreal on Monday?
* If it is a loner or is there a network behind it?

What is clear is this: In the morning short vor 10 clock (short was 15 Clock German time) approaches, according to witnesses an armed man with a gun to one of the soldiers who guard the war memorial. With apparently four shots in the back it stretches him down, the soldier died later in hospital. The assassin runs on the main building of the Parliament (“Centre Block”), overwhelmed the unarmed guard at the entrance.
Then chaos erupts. Traditionally, on the Wednesday meeting day of the fractions, the house is full, the House of Representatives (“House of Commons”) has 308 members. Even the Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper holds up in Parliament when the shooting starts. He quickly brought to safety. On the later published a reporter cell phone video dozens shots are heard. Members, employees, journalists barricade themselves, the building is now in “Lockdown”: No one comes in, no one comes out.
This is the situation in which Kevin Vickers becomes the hero. The former policeman is “Sergeant-at-Arms” in the Canadian Parliament, so the man with the right house. Canadian media reports said he allegedly shot the attacker. Conservative MP Bob room tweeting about 10.21 clock from the interior of the building “. Sagittarius individuals died, we are ok.”
But the relief is short-lived.
Suddenly one of several possible shooters talk, to maybe three places. Heavily armed and backed police outside parliament in front of their eyes directed upward, searching the rooftops of the surrounding buildings from.
Then it says, before or in a shopping center just a few hundred meters further will shot. Police cars race down. Later on, the turn out to be misinformation.
For hours the center of Ottawa is sealed off, like a ghost town full of policemen. A city in shock, but at the same time in an alarm condition. Again and again warn residents authorities, also via Twitter: “. Keep away from windows and rooftops, the situation is not resolved” By chance are also CSU politicians on the spot, within the framework of a German-Canadian dialogue program. At the time of the attack, the delegation, including former party chief Erwin Huber, just her hotel had left next to the Parliament building, so Richard Teltschik of the CSU-related Hanns-Seidel-Foundation: “It came from all roads run almost parallel police cars.” A planned lunch with Canadian MPs was canceled.
Terror in Canada:Even America increases security measures

U.S. authorities quickly be integrated, the FBI offers support, together with the Canadians searching for connections to the IS-terrorist militias. U.S. President Barack Obama telephoned Prime Minister Harper. The Canadians tighten security measures in its embassies, government buildings and on their military bases. The Americans move to the honor guard at the grave of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington will be placed under special protection.
The 34-million-inhabitant Canada is part of Obama’s alliance against the jihadist terrorist militias in Iraq, including six fighter jets of type CF-18 Hornet sent. There was in the past, threats from Islamists. Recently the authorities have the threat of terrorism at home increased from “low” to “medium”. And on Monday attacked the 25-year-old Radikalislamist Martin Rouleau Couture with his car two soldiers in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu near Montreal. A 53-year-old officer died in this attack. Rouleau was the authorities noticed before, they had deprived him of his passport when he wanted to travel to Turkey in July.
“Canada will never be intimidated,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper said on Wednesday evening (local time) at a television address. “We will intensify our efforts in the fight against international terrorist organizations and double again. This will be no safe place for them.”
Just last week, Harper’s government had announced plans to change the legal basis for Canada’s intelligence CSIS. The aim is to better monitor suspicious Canadian citizens. Canada is part of the so-called “Five Eyes”, an association with the intelligence services of the United States, Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
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