
Serbian sexy politician Vanja Hadzovic’s become big scandal in Serbia, Photos / Showbiz News


In 27-year-old Serb politician Vanja Hadzovic was leaked sexy photos of the agenda of the country at a time.(Photos)

A sexy politician has made waves in her homeland after revealing photos of her appeared in a tabloid paper.

Vanja Hadzovic, 27, an adviser in the ministry of foreign affairs, is planning a life as a career diplomat.

But the photos of her in the daily Blic have ruffled feathers among her superiors in the ministry.


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkić told to Serbian daily “Blic” that he will immediately give the order to investigate how Vanja Hadzovic, whose provocative photos are circulating the Internet, is engaged as a junior adviser in his ministry.

“I do not know anything about it, but today I will give the order to investigate this case. You will get all the answers you need,” said Minister Mrkić for “Blic”.

Vanja Hadzovic announced that she is employed in the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on her Google plus profile. “Blic” was not able to find any information about her experience in the field of diplomacy.


In the last two days the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was not able to give the answer what were the criteria for employing of Vanja Hadzovic, whether she was employed through a public vacancy, or perhaps on the basis of party recommendations.

“Position of the junior adviser is the least paid job for someone who graduated from college. With this title one is entering into the world of diplomacy,” Ministry said.

A diplomat unofficially said that, with her biography and experience, Hadzovic would not be able to pass a public tender.


“If someone wants to work on the position of the junior advisor, it is necessary to have a college degree of a certain direction: Department of Political Science, Law or the Faculty of Economics, as well as to speak two languages​​. Also, it is necessary to pass security check,” the diplomat said.

“There is no way that Hadzovic passed the security check, due to her provocative photos which can be easily seen on the Internet,” said the unnamed diplomat.

‘There are those both within and outside Serbia who might think these pictures are not suitable for a woman who is hoping to excel at diplomacy,’ said one foreign ministry source.


Vanja, who holds a degree in management in media, has refused to comment on the photos that exploded across the Internet on Monday. 

Her boss at the foreign ministry, Serbia’s foreign secretary Ivan Mrkic, says she will find herself at the centre of a government probe.

He said it was also important to remember that she was in training and held no diplomatic status as of yet.  Although sources said the ministry is embarrassed by what has happened, he defended her right to pose and put the images on social networking sites. 


‘To appear on social networks is the right of every individual. But our employees of the ministry of foreign affairs need to act according to the code of conduct on these networks. The employee that was mentioned has shut down her profiles on these networks,’ the minister added.

He also praised her as a person who ‘conscientiously carries out her everyday duties’.

In the past Vanja Hadzovic used to be the vice president of the youth arm of the Socialist Party – the party once led by war crimes suspect and late Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic.

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