It was a close race, but now shows: Scotland opts against independence. In the referendum, a majority against secession from the United Kingdom is emerging.
The Scots have voted on their independence and thus on the future of Britain. And even before the end of the count, a majority against the autonomy apparent. The Deputy Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon conceded defeat early Friday morning in the BBC .
“Each member of the Yes campaign is deeply disappointed., But Scotland has changed forever,” Sturgeon said. The government in London by Prime Minister David Cameron has managed so successfully fend off the divisive tendencies. Cameron has the leader of the Scottish independence opponents, Alistair Darling, paid his respects. “I have spoken with Alistair Darling – and congratulate him on a well-run campaign,” Cameron wrote on Twitter.
After counting more than half of the votes in the early morning hours, the Independence opponents were in the lead. For a stay of Scotland in the United Kingdom voted by then 54 percent, 46 percent wanted independence.

The Scottish National Party of First Minister Alex Salmond, who was vehemently advocated independence, could not mobilize enough voters in their strongholds after the first analysis. “Well done, Glasgow, our Commonwealth city, and the people of Scotland for such an incredible support,” Salmond wrote on Twitter.
While large cities such as Glasgow or Dundee city voted a majority for secession from Britain. Glasgow, the largest city with about 600,000 inhabitants of Scotland had voted 53 percent for independence. But the turnout was not high enough to reverse the result from other regions can here.
The victory of the opponents had signed up. Britain’s most prominent pollster YouGov CEO Peter Kellner had the Sky News said he was 99 percent sure that Scotland would vote to remain in the United Kingdom. The survey on Thursday showed that significantly more people from “Yes” to be “No” changed sides than vice versa.
A total of 4.3 million citizens were called upon to decide whether Scotland should be solved from the UK after 307 years. The vote had the Scots in the past few weeks more than any other political decision previously electrified. Before the 5579 polling stations in a long queue had formed. For the first time were allowed to young people aged 16 and over to dial.
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