Salmonella at Ferrero in Arlon: millions of Kinder products will be destroyed

Following the salmonellosis contamination scandal in several Kinder product lines, the Ferrero group, owner of the brand, will have to destroy the foodstuffs stored in the Arlon factory, in Belgium. This represents several million products.
After the shutdown of its Kinder chocolate factory in Belgium suspected of being the source of cases of salmonellosis, the manufacturer Ferrero “recognizes that there have been internal failures”, he declared in a press release published at the end of last week. As a result, tons and tons of chocolate food will not end up in stomachs but in destruction. We are talking about several million products that will absolutely have to be destroyed.
“The responsibility of the Ferrero company is to destroy the foodstuffs in the Arlon factory and to ensure that they cannot reach the food chain”, indicates Aline Van den Broeck, the spokesperson of the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (Afsca).
How will the company proceed to destroy the goods? Does it intend to do this within the factory or outside of it? And with what products?
Ferrero company spokeswoman Laurence Evrard had no details to give us at the end of the day on Monday.