Renato Zero: “Well the Pope on gays, the world is constantly changing”
He presents the second chapter of Zerosettanta and to his colleagues he says: "Let's tax ourselves to help the workers"

“One cannot disagree with the Pope’s openness to gay couples’ unions. I don’t want it to happen anymore for anyone, as it happened to me, that you have magnetic resonances done to understand what you have in your underwear” . Renato Zero says so, on the sidelines of the presentation of the second chapter of Zerosettanta, the monumental work to celebrate its 70th anniversary.
“We need great respect for these people and for ourselves – adds Zero, who has always been the standard-bearer of freedom of expression with his music and art -. We must be able to understand that the world is it changes continuously and the needs of humanity are different. We cannot take anything for granted and indeed we must always be understanding and tolerant with everyone “.
“I turn to my colleagues, who suffer less from this block due to the pandemic, to overcome this ford: we should self-tax ourselves, give a percentage of the proceeds to cover certain sufferings”. Renato Zero launches an appeal to support entertainment workers, among the most affected in recent months. The artist himself will help his staff, allocating a portion of the revenues from the sales of the album Zerosettanta, whose second chapter is out today. “Anyone who says that culture does not give food is an asshole and perhaps not even a good Italian. It takes a plate of pasta, but also poetry, music, painting, art that are food for the soul”, adds the singer-songwriter who goes to ‘attack also of politics which “should have the ability to immerse themselves in the lives of Italians, even with direct checks, to understand the state of things. It is scandalous that the government has not been able to prepare effectively towards the workers, some of whom have been waiting for months for layoffs: it is very serious and offensive. If we do not pay our taxes, they will come and take us home “.