some residents were able to film a red deer in the center of the municipality around 4 o’clock in the morning. The animal walked quietly along the street, before finally disappearing again in the woods in the vicinity of the Kalmthoutse Heide.
According to Lucas Bergmans, forester at the Agency for Nature and Forests, it is a red deer that has almost certainly escaped somewhere. Limburg.
It is not surprising that the animal has just escaped during this period: ‘It is the rutting season or mating season, in which the red deer goes in search of conspecifics,’ explains Bergmans.
Edelhert maakt nachtwandeling in centrum Kalmthout https://t.co/mLUmZuVNUu pic.twitter.com/LxHEkPHYPF
— De Standaard (@destandaard) September 22, 2022
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