
Preliminary proceedings initiated – Sinan-G takes action against scandal video

For a few days, a video has been the talk of the German rap scene. Sinan-G is currently facing serious allegations after a Facetime phone call was leaked, which was obviously cut.

The Essener himself has already commented on the scandal video and explains that the compilation of the individual excerpts of the conversation distorts the meaning of the statements. In order to prevent speculation at an early stage, he published an announcement via Instagram. In a comment below, he summarizes: “It’s obvious that this video is disgustingly edited to fuck me. Please think before you write anything!”

While Sinan-G has been heavily criticized and targeted by some fellow rappers, there are also rappers like Ra’is, who wants the video’s authenticity to be proven before condemning Sinan-G. Among other things, his statement says:

“What’s up people. Definitely, I just woke up and see what’s going on here. I’m just seeing things with Sinan-G and back and forth, everything being posted here. Hey, I’m not taking any sides here right now. But what I want to say is that every second woman now comes from somewhere. With some pedophile accusations against musicians, some rape stuff against musicians.

And that it just doesn’t correspond to the truth, but the people out there still believe everything, really everything, about these people. This is slowly pissing me off. Guys, if you have no idea – to these women who are posting all this right now. If you have no idea about this topic, if you don’t know anything, if you just hear rumours. Stop spreading these rumors!”


As the Essen rapper has now announced himself, he has now reported the leak to the police. His Instagram Story reads: “Legal action has been taken. The investigation is now underway against the lady who created and distributed the video.”


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