Poland: Missile Drop, not attack

According to Poland's President Duda, the rocket hit in Poland's border area with Ukraine was not a targeted attack on the NATO country.

There is no evidence that the missile was fired by Russia.

According to Polish President Andrzej Duda, the missile strike in Przewodow was not a targeted attack on the NATO country. The rocket that hit Polish territory on Tuesday was “most likely” from the Ukrainian air defenses.

“Absolutely nothing indicates that this was a deliberate attack on Poland,” Duda told journalists. According to current knowledge, it is a Russian-made S-300 anti-aircraft missile that was manufactured in the 1970s.

NATO could not confirm Russian missile

According to the fire brigade, two people were killed in a farm in the eastern Polish village when the rocket struck. Initial reports said it was a Russian missile strike. NATO could not confirm this.

It is likely that a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile accidentally hit Poland, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. But it is not Ukraine’s fault. According to Stoltenberg, Russia must end this “senseless war”.

Poland Missile Crisis! Biden: Ukraine Fired Missile

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