Paris Hilton has been arrested and released without charge after her friend was caught smoking marijuana at a World Cup Game on Friday.
Paris Hilton seen crying in 2007 after hearing of the prison sentence
The 29-year-old and her close friend Jennifer Rovero was taken out the Port Elizabeth’s Nelson Mandela Bay stadium after Rovero was seen smoking marijuana.
Both, TV personality Hilton and freelance photographer Rovero appeared in a special court organized by South African courts to deal with crimes committed during the World Cup, just hours after being arrested.
Fingerprints were taken of both suspects at the time but later it was realized that Hilton was innocent and was released.
The 31-year-old, Rovero who is a former glamour model was ordered to pay 1,000 SA rands which is the equivalent of $130 or face 30 days in prison.
“The case was considered in court and the charges against Ms Hilton were dropped. Her friend Jennifer Rovero pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis and was sentenced.” said Brigadier Miranda Mills a spokeswoman for the South African police.
However one South African officer had said that Hilton was also seen smoking weed in the stadium.
The unnamed officer said “The stadium is a smoke free zone but at the end of the match an officer noticed Ms Hilton appeared to be smoking. Upon closer examination it became obvious she was smoking weed which is when she was arrested.”
South African police were said to be considering whether to deport the pair to the US or not.
Hilton had arrived in South Africa on Thursday with a private jet and was watching the Brazil Vs Holland World Cup Quarter Final match when the incident occurred.
This is not the first time the TV personality and heir of Hilton hotels wad a runin with teh law. The 29-year-old had served prison time in 2007 for violating probation in an alcohol-related driving case, several times.