End of a long, successful career as a musician: The co-founder of AC / DC, Malcolm Young, shall be terminated from the band. His health forced him to do so. In his footsteps a relative Youngs is to come.
AC / DC-founding member Malcolm Young has left the Australian rock band permanently. Health reasons have prompted the 61-year-olds to take this step, said the band. In world tour, his nephew Stephie Young will instead ride in 2015. This play guitar and was also heard on the new album “Rock or Bust,” which will be released on December 2.
Malcolm Young, a native of Scotland, had AC / DC (“Highway to Hell”) founded in 1973 with his brother Angus. They had emigrated as a child with her family to Australia. Back in April, AC / DC had confirmed that the guitarist was sick and take a break. “Unfortunately, Malcolm will not return to the band due to his condition,” it said now. Details disease are not known.
AC / DC next to the Youngs also includes singer Brian Johnson, bassist Cliff Williams and drummer Phil Rudd. The biggest music success of the band is more than 30 years back: “Back in Black” it brought the rocker in 1980 to worldwide fame. Recently they released in 2008 which also celebrated album “Black Ice”. AC / DC has sold over 200 million albums worldwide according to own data.
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