New earthquake in Mexico: 6.9
New earthquake in Mexico: now in Michoacán, intensity 6.9 and two dead

An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 activated this Thursday the seismic alert in central Mexico as a possible aftershock after the earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that shook the country on September 19. / New earthquake in Mexico: 6.9
The earthquake occurred at 1:16 am (6:16 GMT) with an epicenter 81 kilometers south of Coalcomán, Michoacán, where last Monday’s also occurred, according to the National Seismological Service (SSN), which had first registered a magnitude of 6.5 and then adjusted to 6.9.
In Mexico City, the seismic alert was activated, so hundreds of thousands of citizens took to the streets to protect themselves from the tremor.
The phenomenon occurs after the earthquake that shook Mexico on Monday, less than an hour after the national drill that takes place every September 19 to commemorate the earthquakes of 1985 and 2017, which occurred on the same date and are considered the most destructive in history. recent.
New earthquake in Mexico: 10 injured
Since the last earthquake on Monday, which left two dead and 10 injured in western Mexico, there have been more than 1,000 aftershocks, and it is estimated that this Thursday’s was the largest.
The Government of Mexico City activated surveillance protocols. “Omar García Harfuch (Secretary of Security of the capital) informs me that the condors (drones) that fly over the City have no record of damage in the City, so far. I continue to report,” said the head of the Government of Mexico City Claudia Sheinbaum on Twitter.
More official information is expected at the morning press conference of the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, at 7:00 local time (12:00 GMT).
“So far there is no report of damage,” said the president in a video recorded in his office while speaking with the mayor of the capital, Claudia Sheinbaum, and broadcast on Twitter.
The earthquakes in September have caused a stir in Mexico, where the tremor of September 19, 1985 left an estimated 20,000 dead and that of 2017 about 370.
Two people died in Mexico City: a man from a heart attack and a woman who hit her head when she fell from the stairs of her home, after activating the seismic alert, the local mayor’s office reported.
SISMO Magnitud 6.9 Loc 84 km al SUR de COALCOMAN, MICH 22/09/22 01:16:09 Lat 18.01 Lon -103.18 Pf 12 km
— Sismológico Nacional (@SSNMexico) September 22, 2022
Last Monday, a powerful earthquake shook Mexico less than an hour after millions of people participated in a drill, as is done every September 19, when two strong earthquakes that occurred on the same date in 1985 and in 2017 are commemorated.
In 1985, an earthquake of 8.1 shook Mexico, leaving large areas of the capital in ruins.
According to civil registry data, more than 10,000 people died in the megacity alone. Meanwhile, on September 19, 2017, another 7.1 earthquake surprised Mexicans, leaving 369 dead.
Experts from the National Seismological Service explained on Monday that the occurrence of these three earthquakes on the same date is the product of a “coincidence.”
Mexico registers an intense seismic activity because it is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, which unites America with Asia and where most of the earthquakes in the world occur.
Powerful Earthquake: Tsunami warning in Mexico
New earthquake in Mexico: 6.9
#Entérate Reportan el avistamiento de luces en el cielo durante el sismo de esta madrugada
— Infobae México (@infobaemexico) September 22, 2022
On the morning of September 22, an earthquake was recorded at 01:16 a.m. with an epicenter in Coalcoman, Michoacán, causing at least two deaths and causing millions of people to wake up and leave their homes.
Preliminarily, the National Seismological Service (SSN) indicated that it was a magnitude of 6.5 degrees on the Richter scale.
Minutes later, the unit rectified and confirmed that the intensity was 6.9. The first reports indicate that the telluric movement was perceived intensely throughout the state of Michoacán, Jalisco and Morelos.

Likewise, the National Civil Protection Coordination (CNPC) indicated that it was perceived as moderate to strong throughout Mexico City; strong in Colima and light in the state of Nayarit. In short, it reported that 38.7 million people felt it in 12 states of the country: Jalisco, Zacatecas, Guerrero, Colima, Michoacán, Guanajuato, State of Mexico, CDMX, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla and Tlaxcala.
The total number of properties that were exposed to the incident, the CNPC pointed out, was 11 million 940 thousand 883 homes, 8 thousand 887 health establishments and 88 thousand 206 schools.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) issued a brief statement of just over a minute in which he confirmed that the earthquake had a magnitude of 6.9, adding that it was also felt in the state of Guerrero and that there was no report of damage until time of its broadcast (02:00 a.m.).
According to the SSN, there have been 1,229 aftershocks of the 7.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred on September 19, with an epicenter in Michoacán, with this Thursday’s aftershock being the largest to date.
Situation in CDMX
The head of the Government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, reported through her Twitter account that there were two deaths, as well as reports of power failures, recalling that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) had already initiated the protocol to review the power supply throughout the country.
The Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) explained that after the activation of the seismic alert, a woman died due to a strong blow that she received on the head when she fell from the stairs of her home located in the Doctores neighborhood, Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office .
Another unfortunate death was recorded in the Education neighborhood of the Coyoacán mayor’s office. It was a man who suffered a heart attack after the earthquake.
In both cases, the president of the capital said that she will support the relatives and extended her solidarity.
In addition to the sudden power outages, some residents of the capital said they saw lights in the sky, similar to those recorded in the September 2017 earthquake. According to specialists from Rugers University in the United States, this phenomenon is called “earthquake lights.” or triboluminescence.
Situation in Colima
In the case of Colima, the educational authorities determined the suspension of classes in all modalities and levels, both in public schools and in private institutions, at least during Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 23.
Indira Vizcaino, governor of the entity, explained that there was a landslide on the Colima-Manzanillo highway at km 22 due to the earthquake, so cleanup work was immediately carried out. There is already passage in the area. Likewise, she made a call not to believe in fake news, since it was supposedly being said that the Volcán de Fuego would have activity.
The emergency body carried out various inspection tasks in the state, indicating that there were no major damages during the early hours of Thursday.
Situation in Jalisco
Enrique Alfaro, governor of Jalisco, reported that until the first hours of the earthquake, no major damage or injured people were reported, only a sinkhole on the Ocotlán highway to which workers immediately went to attend to the emergency.
Likewise, he said that he asked the local Secretary of Education to review the structure of all schools to ensure that there is no risk and that classes at all levels continue unchanged.
Situation in Nayarit
Miguel Ángel Navarro, governor of the state of Nayarit, did not give any information to the population about the earthquake that occurred in the early hours of this day.
Situation in Michoacan
Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, president of the entity, said that until the first reports and tours of Civil Protection and the Ministry of Public Security (SSP) no major damages were reported, although they continued to evaluate the situation. He urged the population to remain calm.
Situation in Guerrero
Evelyn Salgado Pineda, Governor of Guerrero, reported that the corresponding protocols were activated to carry out the damage assessment in coordination with Civil Protection and the municipal presidents. Until now, she has not reported material damage or human loss.
It should be remembered that people who require emotional support after the earthquake can call the Security Line and the Trust Chat at the Citizen Council number 55 5533 5533, which is available with free psychological support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. .