Myths about Alzheimer’s: Does too much aluminum trigger Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s is just a normal symptom of old age – that’s one of the misconceptions about this disease. Experts explain what’s behind common myths.
There are a number of persistent rumors surrounding Alzheimer’s disease. One of them: Alzheimer’s is not a disease, but quite normal in very old people. This is wrong, says the Alzheimer Research Initiative e.V. (AFI).
An organically healthy brain slows down in old age, but can still be very efficient. Alzheimer’s, on the other hand, is a disease, and the corresponding deposits become visible in imaging processes.
Is Alzheimer’s contagious?
The initiative corrects further errors: There is no scientific evidence that the disease is contagious in humans. It also has nothing to do with increased aluminum intake. A higher concentration was found in the brains of deceased Alzheimer’s patients. Experts are currently assuming that this is a side effect and not the cause.
Is Alzheimer’s inherited?
Got Alzheimer’s because a parent also had the disease? This does not have to be the case, explains the AFI. Only around one percent of all Alzheimer’s diseases are clearly hereditary. These people get sick very early in life. For everyone else, the symptoms usually only begin after the age of 65.
Can patients do something about Alzheimer’s?
Alzheimer’s is not yet curable – that’s true. But the rumor that you can’t do anything about it is a misconception. The course can be slowed down with medication, and side effects such as depression or aggression can also be treated. Non-drug therapies also mobilize mentally, physically and emotionally.