In the border area between Belarus and Poland, delegations from Ukraine and Russia have spoken to each other again – and achieved initial results. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov previously dealt against the United States – and drew questionable parallels.
In a second round of negotiations, Russia and Ukraine have agreed on the creation of humanitarian corridors in particularly hard-fought areas of Ukraine. That’s what representatives of both sides said on Thursday after the meeting. At the same time, Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak stressed that some hoped-for results had not been achieved.
During the evacuations, a ceasefire in the vicinity of the corridors is possible. In addition, it was agreed to allow the transport of medicines and food to the contested areas. This is the first time since the invasion that both sides have reached an understanding on individual issues.
Russian negotiator Vladimir Mendinsky said both sides had put their positions in writing. Talks should resume shortly. According to Slutsky, there could then be agreements that would have to be ratified by the parliaments of both countries.
A first round of negotiations in Belarus ended on Monday without a result. Before the start of the second round of negotiations, the government in Kyiv had stressed that it would not accept any “ultimates” from Moscow.
According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, compromises are needed on a number of points in order to end the war. Ukraine and Russia could achieve this if the government in Moscow treats his country equally, Zelenskyy said in a televised address. “There are things that have to be compromised so that people don’t die,” he explained. “But there are also things where compromises are impossible.”
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had previously announced that the country was ready to negotiate with Ukraine, but at the same time wanted to continue its attacks on Ukrainian military facilities. The West has continually upgraded Ukraine and trained its soldiers to turn it into a bulwark against Russia, Lavrov said. The western states want to undermine everything that is Russian.
Amid warnings of nuclear war, Lavrov accused the West of scaremongering and “hysteria.” “Everyone knows that a third world war can only be a nuclear one,” Lavrov said. However, this question only arises in the minds of Western politicians and not in those of the Russians.
“I assure you that we will not allow any provocations that will make us lose our balance,” Lavrov said in a state-television interview with Russian and international media. “But if (the West) starts to unleash a real war against us, those who hatch such plans should think about it, and I think they’re thinking about it.”
On Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the nuclear power’s deterrent weapons to be put on high alert. This includes nuclear weapons. Lavrov now emphasized: “We have a military doctrine that describes the parameters and conditions for the use of nuclear weapons.” There will be no “escalation for the sake of de-escalation,” he said. “But talk about a nuclear war is now underway.” That’s all down to the West.
The minister sharply criticized the United States in particular. “The following comparisons come to mind for me: Both Napoleon and Hitler once wanted to enslave Europe. Now the Americans have subjugated it,” Lavrov said.
According to Lavrov, the Russian military will continue the operation in Ukraine until the end. Russian Defense Minister Shoigu said on Tuesday: “The Russian Federation Armed Forces grouping will continue to conduct a special military operation until the set goals are achieved: demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.”
Lavrov said Putin was on the phone with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Thursday morning. Russia would like France to help reach agreements.