Monica Lewinsky, the most famous intern who has ever had the White House, has its say: Almost 20 years after her affair with President Bill Clinton disseminate their version of the scandal, which triggered a political earthquake.
“It’s time to burn the Basque hat and bury the blue dress ” : After years of silence Monica Lewinsky has decided to settle accounts with their past and to let the incriminating relics of their relationship with the former U.S. President Bill Clinton behind them.
The beret wearing Lewinsky on a photo , which shows her in an embrace with Clinton. On the blue dress is said to have found traces of semen – it became a key piece of evidence in the impeachment proceedings against the Democrats.
” I deeply regret what happened between me and President Clinton ,” said Lewinsky in an article for the magazine “Vanity Fair” , derin extracts was published . “I . ‘m Sorry . Deeply . What . Happened ,” she repeated emphatically.
“Of course, my boss has taken advantage of me ,” she writes about the relationship started in 1995 . “But I will insist on this point : There was a relationship by mutual consent. ” The actual ” abuse” had occurred after flying up the love affair. They had been made to the ” scapegoat ” to protect the power position of Clinton.
The extramarital affair with Lewinsky gave the President nearly-case basis. The House of Representatives initiated in December 1998, the impeachment trial on suspicion of perjury and obstruction of justice.
Monica Lewinsky about Bill Clinton:Rejected 10-million-dollar deals

In the article “shame and survival,” which appears on Thursday, the now 40-year-old Lewinsky speaks for the first time about her disastrous affair with the U.S. president.
After the scandal the late nineties she had “offers” rejected that her “more than ten million dollars,” would have brought, because “it is not so felt like it was the right thing”. Instead, the psychologist studied have sought for jobs in the field of communication and marketing, was but because of their “history” of employers rejected.
Later, the ex-intern trying to use a private label handbags. Because of ridicule, which they saw on a worldwide basis, they have at times entertained thoughts of suicide, known Lewinsky. Even today, they get recognized on the street, again and again the media took their story on.
Monica Lewinsky about Bill Clinton:”Narcissistic, daft figure of fun”

Bill Clinton himself had vehemently denied having had a sexual relationship with the intern. Only later he confessed that there had been oral sex. The charges were in connection with the scandal of the state employees Paula Jones, who had sued Clinton for sexual harassment.
The Senate acquitted the president, however, free because at the vote in February 1999, not the required two-thirds majority was not achieved.
Lewinsky suggests that it also with regard to the ambitions of Clinton’s wife Hillary for the presidency would finally rid the world of the affair . It was time to stop it, ” to tiptoe around my past and to the future of other people.”
Hillary Clinton is considered the favorite for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. Yet the former Foreign Minister and First Lady declared but not official, if she wanted to compete again after their defeat in the primary election of 2008.
In February documents had suggested from the estate of a close friend of Clinton that Clinton had called the ex – intern in the nineties as ” narcissistic , daft figure of fun ” . “If that’s the worst thing she says about me, I ‘m lucky ,” was her first thought when she heard of it, so Lewinsky . In addition, Mrs. Clinton had confided her friends Diane Blair, that they themselves were partly to blame for the affair because she had neglected her husband emotionally.
Lewinsky rejected speculation that had received in exchange for her silence in recent years of the Clinton’s money. ” Nothing could be further from the truth ,” she said.