Miracle after 91 hours in İzmir: Baby “Ayda” was saved
91 hours after the earthquake that occurred in Izmir on Friday, a girl was taken from the rubble of Rıza Bey Apartment.

The IHH team, who saved 3-year-old Ayda Gezgin, said that Ayda told them “I am here” and first asked for water and buttermilk.
Search and rescue efforts continue in the region, and the work of the teams continues.
Reaching a child during the studies, the teams concentrated their studies on that area.
Upon reaching the child, serum, thermal blanket and stretcher were brought under the rubble.
The child taken on the stretcher was rescued from the wreckage and carried to the ambulance. Applause rose during the boy’s rescue.
It was learned that the name of the child, who was the 107th person rescued from the wreckage, was Ayda Gezgin. However, it was later corrected as Ayda.
Ayda kızımızın kurtarılma anı…
Arama kurtarma çalışmalarımız son cana ulaşana kadar aralıksız devam edecek. pic.twitter.com/btJ4ppZ0Uk
— AFAD (@AFADBaskanlik) November 3, 2020