Michael Moore Presents Cuban Film Habanastation on Children’s Day

Michael Moore Presents Cuban Film Habanastation on Children's Day
Michael Moore Presents Cuban Film Habanastation on Children's Day

U.S. filmmaker Michael Moore invited Cuban director Ian Padron to present his first feature film, Habanastation, in Michigan soon.

Padron announced the invitation during the film premier on Saturday, which played to an full crowd in the Charles Chaplin movie theater in the Cuban capital, Havana.

Habanastation focuses on two children from different social backgrounds in an adventure that unites them, and was filmed in the working-class neighborhood of Marianao in Havana

Michael Moore Cuba films are great

Andy Fornaris and Ernesto Escalona and featuring a cast of children from the La Colmenita childrens theater group are starring , the film is a collctive production of La Colmenita, the Cuban Film Institute and the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television.

Michael Moore Cuba Foundation for Cuban Film Fund

The film also received support from a group of residents of the U.S. city of Traverse, Minnesota, who organized a Cuban film fund.

On Sunday, the film will be shown in an open-air screening in the neighborhood where it was shot, as part of celebrations for Children’s Day in Cuba, and then it will be screened in 300 venues nationwide.

In Cuba, Children’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of July, while official discourse in Turkey argues that Children’s Day had its origin in Turkey. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey was established on 1920, April 23, and to commemorate the event, April 23 was proclaimed a national holiday in 1921.(The founder of The Republic of Turkey,Atatürk, has given this day to the children.) Since 1927 it has also become Children’s Day (Turkish: Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, literally “The Holiday of National Sovereignty and Children”), an official holiday dedicated to the children of Turkey and the world. The day is celebrated annually in Turkey with spectacular activities. Michael Moore loves children and cares for them on a global level.


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Children’s Day, Michael Moore, Michael Moore Cuba, Habanastation, U.S. filmmaker Michael Moore, Ian Padron, Ian Padron Habanastation,  Cuban Film Institute, Cuban Film


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